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As the bus reached the University, Violet gets up and rushed towards Nathan
He didn't stop for her.
Benjamin also rushes behind Violet and saw that she's crying.
Benjamin hugged her and asks what happened.
Violet's saying nothing but sobbing, then she speaks...

"We need to break up"

Benjamin knew this was coming he just asks

"why did you said yes in the first place?"

" I WAS DRUNK!! You knew it, I was drunk I acted strange you.. that's it."

Benjamin asked in a low tone.

"And... About the next day? Why didn't you cleared things up?"

" Benjamin.. You're a wonderful person and the person who'd get you would be luckiest. I wanted give us a shot, I thought maybe we were a match, maybe You're the one.. but I know now it isn't you and I am not the One for you"

Benjamin agreed with everything she said, It was a break up but he wasn't hurt.
He console Violet and said

"I understand, I knew you liked Nathan.. but just wanted to confess wasn't expecting a 'yes' but then you said yes and things got real messed up"

Benjamin smiles at Violet.

" Nathan's really the guy for you and I firmly believe that... Now you just don't hold back go and tell him how you feel about him"

Benjamin and Violet end their relationship on a good note.

After coming Home
Violet's words are spinning around his head.

"Give us a shot, Maybe we we're a match, maybe you're the ONE."

He's constantly thinking about these phrases and image of Penelope is coming in front of his eyes.

" Was she the ONE for me? "

" Why didn't I gave us a shot? "

" She confessed to me, why didn't I react?"

He lied on bed but can't sleep these questions don't let him.
He suddenly he got up, took his car keys and left.

It was really late in night and Eddie hears a knock on the door, she got up to see Benjamin.

"Hi Benjamin...You here this late?"

"Where's Penelope??"

"Well.. she's probably sleeping right now, but she's in the guests room... Right there."

She pointed towards the guests room.

Penelope heard a knock on her door, she opens the door to see Benjamin standing infront of her.

Benjamin saw Penelope's puffy eyes and he realised all this time he was hurting her a lot.
He hugged her and says while hugging...

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