𝟒𝟒. 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬

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"He has a sex tape of me

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"He has a sex tape of me..", dahlias eyes are so red from holding back her tears and I feel sorry for her.

"Baby" is the only thig I can think of right now, I knew she had something with James in the past my father told me that.

"Dahlia Salvatore has secrets that you may not even know about" my father says.

"What are you talking about exactly?"

"Dahlia was supposed to have his kids, son she was supposed to get married to him and have a family"

"What? How can you be so sure?" I asked

"Son you underestimate me" he chuckles.

"I know because I have been digging, there are documents, son there were going to wait until she was 20 to tell her" my father says.

But it's not making sense, why would they make me and dahlia date if they were going to have her marry James?.

"They called it off last year" my father says "why" I ask "daisy didn't want to sell her daughter for her husband own benefits" it's makes sense dahlia said her mother promised her she was never force her into marriage.

"I assume you two had a visit by him when you guys were in Paris" my father says.

"How did you know about that?" I ask, "he was there trying to tell dahlia about there marriage, he knew she didn't know, he wanted to tell her in hopes to.."

"convince her?", "I suppose, son there is something coming your guys way, you have to be ready, the Salvatore are not stupid , they will inform you about everything , but until then make sure you don't leave dahlia alone to night"


He says nothing after that,he just looks at the rod with his arm on the window, and his head leaning on his  hand as he drives

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He says nothing after that,he just looks at the rod with his arm on the window, and his head leaning on his  hand as he drives.

I close my eye feeling the  tears
about to fall,I'm scared,scared that he will leave me, scared there something I don't know that he does.

Scared that this is what makes him leave me.

I open and feel all my tears going down my face, everything wrong that could have happened, happened, he doesn't show any emotion,he doesn't say anything, he doesn't look at me.

He's disgusted.

I feel sick.

"Pull over" I wispier, he look my way with a frown "what?" He looks confused, but I feel sick to my stomach.

"Roman please pull over" I say feeling week as the tears fall from my face, he pulls over without another word

I get out the car and immediately throw up into some bushes, keeping my hands on my hair to keep it away.

He comes out the car walking over to me, he places his hand on my back and hold my hair for me.

When I'm done, he looks at me with a frown, it starts to rain as we get back into the car.

I'm shaking, shaking because I'm cold, shaking because I'm scared.

I look out the window, but I feel Roman's stare and I can feel the tear i'm burning in the corner of my eye


Dahlias brother Dawson called me into his father study as soon as we get there, dahlia didn't say anything else, I didn't know what to say

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Dahlias brother Dawson called me into his father study as soon as we get there, dahlia didn't say anything else, I didn't know what to say.

But now I'm here with all her bothers "so what's going to happen?" Danny asked "well from what we know,there going to try and take dahlia".

"What do you mean exactly by 'take dahlia' "  I snap "there going to kid nap her and force her her to Mary James?" Dawson asks, Dante on the other hand look serious.

"So what the fuck are we going to do?, let them take her?" Dante yells, "of course not" Dawson yells back.

"Look from what we know there going to try to take her, we have to watch her every move,Jackson going to have extra security tonight,we need to make sure she with at least   With one of us all the time " Damien says.

"And how are they going to force her into marriage?" Danny asked then it hit me, the video, blackmail.

"That I'm not sure I suppose they have some thing on father or-", "no James has a sex tape of dahlia" i say before i can ever thing about it.

They all turn to me "what do you mean exactly?" Dawson asks "he's going to blackmail her into marrying him, I'm sure of it".

"Shit" Damien slams his hand on the desk as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

This is going to be one hell of a night.

Cliffhanger  sorry

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