𝟐𝟔. 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞

23 1 0


𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐚 "Uh im so jealous your going to New York" jade said as she watched me pack some more things, we didn't go to school today we just stared back everyone is here right now i think we're about to go out im not sure tho

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Uh im so jealous your going to New York" jade said as she watched me pack some more things, we didn't go to school today we just stared back everyone is here right now i think we're about to go out im not sure tho.

"With out me!" Jade said dramatically dropping herself on my bed next to nova made me laugh, "i don't want to go without you,you know it would be so much funnier if you were there" i said dropping myself next to her.

"Ugh whatever you kids have fun" jade said rolling her eyes "not to much fun!" Jade said narrowing her eyes at me with a little smirk on her face.

"Who do you think i am" I asked,she knows me better then anyone to know i would never have sex with Roman.

"I see the way he looks at you doll,this may be pretend but for him its not,and I see the way you smile at him doll,there is something there you can't hide from it" jade said,i know she right.

Roman makes me feel safe ad no guy has ever made me feel safe like i do with roman but I haven't been in a serious relationship and I'm scared if we brake up we will not be friends anymore i can lose him all ready i just got him back.

" I know your scared to fall in love doll but give it a change don't hide from it" jade said and i know i have to be honest, me and jade sat up and I place my head on her lap and she brushed hair out of my face.

" he makes me feel safe jade and it makes me scared no guy has ever made me feel that why" i said petting nova and i don't know why but i feel like crying,my whole life I've been scared to fall in love because of what my father said what he told me my hole life and before i could stop the tears from falling they already have.

"I know doll but you can't be scared your whole life,i know what your father told you and I understand why your scared but do't let him get to you" jade said brushing away my tears.

God i don't know what i would do without her.

"Don't worry I'll take care of your baby" jade said referring to nova,she really is my baby I'm sad i have to leave her but i know she's in good hands.

"Come on lets go to the living room where everyone is" jade said and we both got up and went to the living room,when we walk into the living room Roman eyes locked with mind and i walk to him to sit next to him.

"Hey" Roman said kissing the top of my head,"hi" i said giving him a smile,looking into those blue eye i feel like i could get lost in them I swear.

It's now time to leave and everyone is outside of the dorms looking at roman put our bags in the trunk,when hes done he puts his hands on my lower back and we walk over to our friends.

"Im going to miss you" i said to jade and hope and give them both a big hug,since ivy and aria life our life it has been jade and hope, and i love them both they have become my family.

"We're going to miss you too" hope said "i'm going to miss you more" jade said and made us all laugh and we pulled away.

"You guys done" Finn said rolling his eyes "you guys know it's only for the weekend right?" Marco said "shut up!" Hope said and made him jump,and we all laughed at Marco.

"Okay ready?" Roman asked putting his hand on my lower back again I nodded my head and we walk back to the car Roman open my door for me and I sat  down and he close the door and made his way to the other side.

When he got in the car we lowered the car window and said bye to our friends for the last time until we see them Monday night .

When i can't see our friends anymore i turned my head to Roman and he placed his and on my thigh, i didn't care every much so i just looked out the window again.

I watched how we pass the trees on the road "you okay?" Roman asked and I nodded "why wouldn't i be im so excited to see your mom" i said with a smile and he smiled back at me.

When we made it to the jet i went inside to look around while Roman talk to someone,i saw how beautiful and big this jet is,when Roman found me i walk over to him.

"Her come outside i have something to show you" Roman said and he grabbed my hand and walk me to where he wants me to go.

When we are walking down the stars i look at my feet to make sure i don't fall, when i look up I'm surprised to what i see.

"Surprised!" Our fiends said and i gaped and jumped into jade and hopes arms, "what are you doing here?" I asked.

"There coming with  us" Roman said From behind me, "really" i said "yup we are going to New York baby!" Finn said making all of us laugh.

God i love my friends.

So you guys know I per write some of my chapters,there's only two pre-write chapter left 🫢.

I find that crazy I was at chapter 18 writing chapter 24😭.

But anyways I'm so sorry I haven't been updated I blame it on school😒.

Anyways I just want to say thank you to everyone that has made it this far into the book I see more people are reading my book.

I'm so thankful for everyone that likes my book.

Just a heads up I'm going to make a new cover for the book today! I'm so excited I love making new covers🤭.

Okay byee now loves it 6:06 am for me I need to go to bed 😭.

𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐃 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang