Chapter 31 (final)

Start from the beginning

"Is... is there any ways to change her destiny? I..." I choked on my tears...damn it... my heart is fucking hurt right now. It shattered.

I can't bear to see Minji died in my arms, I want to be with her. Her being alive and breathing. I want to spend with her until my last breath.

"I...don't wants her to die... I want her to continue ruling the Demon Kingdom." I said as I clenched my fist. My eyes was hot probably due to my tears.

"You sure are interesting one, human. But okay, there is one way to save her." Insignia slowly walk up to me and help me stood on my feet while my facial expression was remained unfazed after she say that.

What? There's a way to save Minji from destiny?


3rd person POV

"Yoohyeon...are you okay? Wake up..." Minji shook Yoohyeon's shoulder softly. Her face was full of concerned. She didn't expect that Yoohyeon suddenly faint when she tried to comfort her when Minji cried about their future.

Just as her feelings about Yoohyeon's grew worried, afraid that the said girl will not wake up anymore, Yoohyeon finally awoke as her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Mmm...Minji... ? What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" Yoohyeon pointed out as she noticed the tears began streaming from Minji's eyelid. Minji suddenly pulled her closer and pushed Yoohyeon's face against her chest as to hug her. "Idiot Yoohyeon. I thought you are going to leave me again. You had me worried." Minji spat.

At first Yoohyeon was blushing when her face was suddenly buried in the middle of her breasts, but then she slowly smile when Minji expresses her concern. "I won't leave you. I will always stay by your side, my side."

'Minji, you are the idiot one. You are going to leave me soon...' Yoohyeon thought while smiling weakly.


The event between both humans and demons were ongoing successfully just as Minji planning.

The two kinds were enjoying together, eating, dancing, drinking and chatting away.

Minji smile at them. This is kind of peace that Minji has been dreaming about for years. And now her dream came true.

Now that everything have been peacefully. She could just died happily without any remorse. And she will make Yoohyeon as the queen before that happens.

Yoohyeon suddenly sat down besides her and hold her hand firmly. "Where did you just go, Yoo? I have been looking for you everywhere after we had lunch. You suddenly ran away like you were in a hurried." Minji asked to Yoohyeon who just arrived to the main event.

Yoohyeon chuckled and bring out a small box, almost a size of her palm. Minji furrowed her eyebrows in curious. "What is that you were holding?"

Yoohyeon then shushed her with her smile. "You will find out soon after the party." Minji quick to pout and hit her shoulder playfully. "Aww...come on, tell me~" She wanted to know what was hiding in the box. Was it a necklace? or a key chain or some small jewelry for her to keep it for memories and to remember the woman she loves forever.

Minji's mood suddenly fell lower as she remember that she will not live long. And beside, she will perish in less than 2 hour.

"I will tell you when the time comes." Minji felt Yoohyeon's fingers grace through her blonde lock gently and softly which make Minji's mood lifted as she did that. It was as if she forgot that she will perish forever due to the curse of the power that she unleash just to save the love of her life. Minji nod.

Minji pecked her on her cheek. "Thank you for everything that you done for me, Yoohyeon. I will never forget what you have done for me all this time." Yoohyeon raised her eyebrows in confusion as Minji said that. Yoohyeon knew what she was trying to say but decided to push everything to the side. She doesn't want to show Minji her tears. She don't want to cry in front of her.

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