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They remember that night.

The night it happened.

The night that they were welcomed into hell.

The Death of them.

All the way back to march 13th 2024
"JOHNNNIIIIEEE! pass the ball dude!!!" Jake yelled at Johnnie.

They were in the back yard recording a video for Jake's Channel.

"Dude- I'm tryinnnngggggg" Johnnie says as he tosses the ball.

But it lands in the neighbors yard.

"Johnnie" Jake shouts laughing at Johnnie for being so shit at playing the game.

All of a sudden a loud siren was heard.

Johnnie jumped at the loud sound, looking at Jake, contusion and fear filling both of the males eyes.

Jake grabbed the camera and the grabbed Johnnie pulling him inside the house through the back door.

"Why is there a siren?" Johnnie said looking at Jake worried.

"Uhhhh. I'm not sure, I'm gonna call Barry and ask if he knows anything." Jake said, he pulled out his phone and called Barry.

It rang twice and Barry answered.

You could hear screaming in the background of the call.

Jake put it on speaker so he could hear the sounds he was hearing.

"Barry?" Jake said.


"What the hell are you talking about?!" Jake said confused, looking at Johnnie who had a scared look plastered on his face.

"NEWS, LOOK AT THE NEWS DAMN IT" He yelled, the call ending.

"What the fuck?" Jake said going to the Tv and turning on the news.

A loud system alert was playing.

"Vvvviiiiirrpppp..... Viiiirrrppppp... Beeeeeeeeeeeee... Warning.. This is not a drill. Reports have been made of corpses coming back to life... Viiirrrppppp..... Viiiirrrrpppppp..... Beeeeeeeeeeee..... Warning.. This is not a drill. The living dead is here....." The alert system went off, it kept repeatting.

Johnnies heart dropped as he began having a panic attack,  falling to the floor, putting his knees to his chest.

Jake freaked out and ran and locked the front and back door, then the windows, locking, them all and closing the curtains.

Then running back into the living room grabbing his phone.

Attempting to call his mom.

It rang but no answer.

Then his brothers.

No answer.

Then Scuff.

No answer.

Then Hellie.

No answer.

He tried to call Colby, Sam, Corey, Aaron, And even Kat.

No answer, not one.

He even tried calling his ex girlfriend, Tara.

No answer.

"Fuck, fuck, Johnnie, hey hey it's okay we are gonna be okay, we are okay" Jake said dropping to his knees on the floor where johnnie sat, Crying and shaking.


"no, I know- I know- I know-, it's okay- it's okay- I promise! I'm here, I'm always here, it's okay- I'm scared too, it's okay" Jake said, trying to reassure himself and Johnnie.

Jake picked up his phone once more.

This time calling 911.

It rang 3 timestimes before getting an answer.

"911, unfortunately we are no longer taking calls. If this is emergency please hang up and pray to God. If you want to know what is going on stay on the line....."
The call paused for a second before continuing.

"Hello. This is Doctor Sharzinator, this is a recorded message everyone will hear.
And I wanna start with I'm sorry.
I pray for this to go away soon.
For those who don't know who I am, I am a doctor who is..well.. Was actively looking for the cure on cancer.
I thought we had it.
The cure.
I'm keeping the patients name confidental, for I do not want any hate to be brought upon their family or their name.
Though I thought we had found the cure to cancer, injecting it into the person, within the next 30 or so minutes the patient seemed to be growling, I thought that it was just a side effect and we thought that it was working.
and it did it removed the cancer but killed them 3 hour later.
we had injected multiple people before the death of the others thinking that it was working but we, our team, were wrong.
three hours after the patient had seized, they started to growl, coming back to life essentially.
One might call it a zombie; and you would be right.
the corpses bit the doctors working along with me and for some reason a toxin was released from the corpses mouth into those whom were bit. Killing them.
But bringing them alive once more. Starting apocalypse.
Unfortunately it will end up taking over the entire United States if we don't quarantine by staying doors.
Do NOT let anybody in your home who can't talk.
So just be careful.
Once again I'm greatly sorry for everything that I've done.
May God have mercy on us all." The call ended.

"We are gonna die" Jake said dropping the phone.

Tears falling from his eyes.

"I know." Johnnie said crying more.

This isn't how either of them expected 2024 to go.


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