Back from the dead or not

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Clare's pov

NOOOOO Tom why would you do that he was taking me home just now he thought he was helping me get away from you

Toms pov

He took you your mine not his now come on we're going home "no I'm not leaving him to die get help or do anything" she said why was she so upset for someone she didn't even know but I picked him up anyway, I don't know if he'll make it I said to Clare, she was crying hysterically what's your deal with him I said " I knew him from Highschool he was the only nice one there to me when I was by myself he would always be there until I moved" ok so he was a friend so what why do you care if he dies "it doesn't matter just help him" ok ok I'll help him but I shot him a thew times so we wouldn't be able to leave him here we'd have to take him with us.

Clare's pov

Xavier was lying there unconscious bleeding but I yelled at Tom to do something, I don't know why I cared so much when we hung out like five times at school I didn't really know him but I seemed to care about him.
Me and Tom brought him back with us and Tom asked me where he's gonna go I said "he can stay with me in my room just until he gets better" so Tom layed him down on my bed he didn't look alright but he wasn't dead, I was so worried if he'd die or live but he just needs to be looked after and cleaned up like a lot he had blood all over him, but I couldn't give him a shower cause well he's kinda unconscious so I went downstairs and got like three packs of wipes, I walked back upstairs and went to toms room grab some clothes for Xavier so he wasn't in his bloody ones I walked back to the room where he was just lying on my bed.
His shirt was already kinda ripped so I just took it off and threw it out and started wiping the blood and putting new bandages on the bullet holes I counted exactly 3 man Tom must have been angry to do that or well he is Tom so this is kinda normal.

I put a shirt back on him and then did the same for the pants cause there was a lot of blood on them and then I just cleaned his hair and face and put a pillow underneath his head and now I'm just waiting to see if he'll make it.

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