chapter 2

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Ann's pov .

" beep ! beep !" " bro shut up-" I mutter as I slammed my alarm clock against my side table ." what time is it ?" I say as I pick it up . " oh shoot-" it was already 8:00 . I threw on my uniform , and rushed down the stairs , " BYE MAMA-" I didn't even have time to eat breakfast , ugh. " maybe the bus is still waiting for me ?" when I got to the bus stop , there was no one there , I look around and glance at a clock . it was STILL 6:30? I walked back home . I was quite upset and mad about the whole thing .

"MAA!" I yell , " what , Ann?" my mother replies " Ma, why is it still sic thirty and not eight?"

"oh I set your alarm a hour and a half too early " my mother says absent mindedly . Honestly , I was gonna cry . . I sat down and ate my pancakes in peace and put my phone to charge ... my dog , pie , was staring at me while I ate "Stop that pie...Its creepy~" I mumble .

I left the house a 7 and waled to the bus stop . "where's Aman?" I thought to myself . I checked my phone and it was almost 7:30 . Stupid child ... I got into the bus and sat in an empty seat . next to a girl who looked familiar ."Hi! My name's Nish ." she said , "Hi Nish. I'm Ann . Are you new here?" I ask . "YEAH! I'm a transfer student from India ." "Cool"

"Sorry sir-" I heard someone say as the doors close , It was Aman , *sigh* . "Aman , you're late." I said "eh, I guess the apocalypses has started ha" I introduced Nish to Aman ....\


im so so srry , this is so late lol - anyway have a good day or night and half fun !  

Beyond the Wall .Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora