chapter 7

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Aman's PoV

"Well, that was gross," I said.

Ann frowned, then I heard it. A loud growling outside the door.

"What is that?" Nish says. She gets up and presses her face to the window. She lets out a scream. "It's- that- that gay guy!"

"What?" Ann asked.

"He's a fucking zombie!"

He pressed his ugly, half decayed face to the window, and Nish took a step back. Ann picked up the thing closest to her, which was a fire extinguisher. "What is he- "

He banged his head on his window. Once, twice, & the third time the glass shattered.

We screamed. Ann suddenly started smashing his face with the fire extinguisher & 2 mins later his face. Was. Pulp.

"HOLY SHIT," Nish gasps.

"Well fuckin' hell-"I say looking at Ann. "We should get you a rage room."

"Shut up," Ann said. We ran out of the room, because it was stinky.

"We left the fries!" Ann yelled as we skid through the halls.

"It's not- It was covered in blood-," Nish says.

We run into the Principal's room, because that's where they keep the phones.

"Wh-what, who- gah!" We turn to see our principal, Alan, standing by his window.

"Oh, god! You're alive. We need a phone!" Nish said.

That's when I noticed. "You're bit! How are you not a zom-"

Alan's eyes narrow. "Get out. GET OUT!"

We don't, lol. His face pales, and he falls down to his side.

"Shit, um, sir?"

He doesn't do anything but tremble violently. His groans were loud, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard.

"Run! Run," I yell, pushing the door open. We run till we reach the end of the hall to hear a loud bang.

"Shit, is he wearing- roller blades?" Nish says.

"FUCKING HOT PINK AT THAT!" laughs Ann as we run really fast to the ladder which leads to the roof.

"ARHLLIANNHHA!" he moans.

"What?" I say, pulling Nish up to the roof. Ann was already at my side.

"It's an affair. Have you not heard the rumours?" Ann said.

Nish, now beside us, said "Aa, in my old school, none of this shit would've happened."

We run to the other building in our school and climb down the ladder. We find a golf cart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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