Chapter 1

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Reader's POV:

When mom and dad left me, I used to think the village was by my side, only to realize that wasn't the case, at all. The only things they saw in me were my kekkei genkai and my last name, "Gojo". I wasn't known as Hanako, I was known as the Gojo kid. They only showered me with attention because I was born with such power.

I could hear the adults talking about the 'heritage' I got from my parents. They would all congratulate me for having the same kekkei genkai my father had. Apparently it was amazing, so amazing people from all the nations feared it.

But to be fair, I would change my powers for a loving family if I had a chance.

I never knew my mom nor my dad. Everyone talked about them, about how they were amazing shinobis. But I wouldn't know.

I accepted my life, the fact that I didn't have anyone to confide in during tough times didn't faze me anymore. That was until I met someone.


I was recognized as an incredibly mature child for many reasons. Firstly, I had realized nothing should come before training, that a strong shinobi had to train the most he possibly could. Based on scrolls my parents had left me, I learned to tame my six eyes and to use the many techniques my ancestors used.

Secondly, let's say I didn't really have the appearance of a 5 year-old girl. I had snow white hair that reached my mid-back that I wore in a high pony, ran around with a blindfold and wore black clothes. Usually you would picture a colorful girl if you were to think about a five year old, but I was the opposite.

I spent all of my free time, which was a lot, at various training grounds, but I had taken a specific liking to the one in the forest. From sunrise to sunset, I trained and trained and trained.

I was practicing maintaining my "infinity", a state in which I slowed down everything moving around me resulting in nothing being able to reach me while practicing my kunai throws.

Holding three kunais per hand, I jumped and flipped, throwing the knives successfully hitting each and every target. My concentration was at an all time high when I noticed two boys getting closer, thanks to my six eyes. That was the kekkei genkai the adults praised me for.

The "Six Eyes".

It permitted me to have insane extrasensory perception. I can see the flow of chakra clearly and thanks to that I can read and predict attacks. Thanks to those eyes I can also control my chakra extremely well which helps me with many techniques.

Also I have pretty bright blue eyes!

I learned from the scrolls my parents left me that only one bearer could be alive at the same time, and that my dad was the former user of the six eyes. That's how I learned he was dead.

I could sense the two chakras getting closer and closer but I decided to do nothing of it and to continue training.

I successfully hit all the targets, again. The only difference was that I could hear surprised gasps from behind me. Two boys were standing there, two surprised boys to say the least.

"How did you do that?" The older one asked.

"Can you see?" The younger one asked, although way shyly than his brother.

"It's kinda easy, and yea I can see!"

"Then why do you wear a blindfold? And how old are you?" The tall one questioned.

"Because if i don't wear one my head hurts. I'm 5 years old!"

"He is too! You guys should get to know each other!"

The young boy seemed fond of this idea, his name was Sasuke. I could tell he was still very shy by the way he gripped his older brother, Itachi's, pants.

It was really funny to me, seeing how dumbfounded the two boys looked. No one had ever paid attention to my talent before, so it was really surprising to say the least.

But it was on that day everything changed for me. I used to spend my whole days alone, but thanks to Itachi and Sasuke, I now had friends. I also sort of had a family since I stayed over at their house a lot. Their dad wasn't around a lot but their mom, Mikoto, had taken a liking to me. She was a boy mom who had always wanted a daughter, so any opportunity she had I was invited over.

That was the day my routine changed, I wasn't spending my days alone anymore.

Flashback ends

We were now 6 years old, both really hyped about the idea of joining the academy after this summer.

Sasuke and I spent the whole summer training together, and today was one of those days.

Our chakra natures complimented one another perfectly, we both had an affinity for fire and lightning. Our goal was to upgrade the jutsu Itachi had taught us, the fireball jutsu, by adding lightning into it.

"Hana I think I got it!"

"No! You have to coat the fireball, not shoot your lightning through it!"

"Well I can't do it then." Sasuke stubbornly replied.

"Wait, let me try!"

"Hana if I can't do it you can't either."

"Yea, yea, whatever let me try."

Guess what, I succeeded! After a couple of tries though. Maybe more than a couple tries.

"See I told you I could do it!" I said laying down in exhaustion.

"Maybe if we tried for 3 hours when I was doing it I would've done it!" He said, laying down next to me.

The sun was now setting, time passed quickly when we were practicing together. Laying down next to each other, the only thing that could be heard was our panting. We sat in silence for a moment until he spoke.

"Hanako, why do you wear the blindfold?"

"Because if I don't wear it my head hurts."

"Ohhh that's right! Doesn't it get annoying?"

"Yea, but not wearing it is even more annoying."

"Can I see your eyes?"

"Yea, but only for a minute or two before my head starts hurting again!" I say, bringing my blindfold down.

It was the first time in a while that I had taken it off, the sunlight blinded my eyes a bit. I looked at Sasuke only to find him looking dumbfounded, making me laugh.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I say giggling.

"Your eyes, they're so pretty! Like ice, or like the sky!" He says smiling.

"Oh, thank you," I say blushing, not used to such attention towards my eyes. 


Thank you for reading! 

If you guys have any suggestions let me know, also sorry for my grammar, english isn't my first language.

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