Episode 8: G is for Get over my knee. (Giana)

Start from the beginning

"Now can you remain quiet during our quiet time, Manny." The teary eyed boy nodded his head a few times. "Good boy," she praised as she gave him a soft hug and ruffled his hair for a moment. Her eyes scanned the room for a moment. "Alice, get over my knee."

"W-What?" The short raven haired girl cried out as she looked away from the girl she was whispering to. Her laughter and giggles being the loudest amongst her class. "Why?" She asked with a soft whine.

"Because it seems I need to remind you about my rules about not laughing or teasing classmates during a punishment." Giana's eyes drifted to the girl beside Alice, her best friend and often partner in the rumors and teasing that went around the school. "Jessica, you too, get up and get over my knee, I will put an end to this now rather than later."

"But Mrs. Myers!" Both girls cried out.

"One, two, three..." Giana held back a smile as both girls shot up to their feet, and quickly made their way over to her side. Her students understood that if she started counting to five, it would mean doom for their backside if she reached seven. An odd number, but a fair number in her book. "Thank you girls." Giana helped Alice over her lap first, before taking the blond haired girl Jessica across her lap. She was lucky that both had decided to come clad in skirts, today, it made it much easier to lay them over her lap. Alice being clad in a pair of bright pink panties, Jessica having a pair of white panties, a dark pink waistband, and the spider gwen symbol across the seat of them. Giana lifted her hand up and started to spank the bottoms before her, starting with Alice and moving to Jessica giving each girl two sharp spanks before moving back to the other. "I shouldn't have to keep reminding you two of one simple rule that I have for you all." Giana scolded firmly as two different cries of pain began to spread across the room. "If someone has earned a punishment, there is no teasing them behind their backs for any reason. Am I understood?"

"Y-Yes Mrs. Myers," Jessica cried out as she squirmed across her teacher's lap.

"Yes ma'am!" Alice sounded almost on the verge of tears already. However, Giana had spanked both girls enough to know that ALice was the queen of fake crying, something she learned when she overheard the girl talking about how she could get easier spankings by doing so. Now Giana never truly spanked her students to tears, just enough to warm their backside and leave them squirming over their laps. However, every student she had was different, some cried and others didn't.

Once both girl's backsides turned a nice shade of pink underneath their panties. Giana brought the spanking to an end, letting both girls put their skirts back in place before she gathered them into her arms for a group hug. Her voice was soft enough and light enough that only they could hear her say. "No more of that, am I understood? It is not nice or fair to your classmates when you make fun of their spankings."

"Y-Yes ma'am," both girls replied.

And as she broke the hug she sent both girl's back to their seats. Each rubbing the seat of their skirts as they went. Giana scanned her classroom once more, finding that it had gotten quite quiet now that three spankings had already taken place. "Now can we keep going with quiet reading, once I finish making sure everyone has turned in their homework, we can go back to what we were reading in our textbooks from yesterday."

"Yes Mrs. Myers." She nodded at them before looking through the stacks of homework that had been turned in. She had 22 copies, she was missing three assignments and one quick check of names gave her the three culprits. Now missing homework was not something she would spank for, however when it happened three times in a row. That was something that she did punish for, and unfortunately for Tyler G, as she called him. (How she had gotten three Tylers in her class still amazed her.) He had reached strike three.

"Tyler G." The boy looked up from the book he was reading and one look on his face told her all she had to know. "Get over my knee, please."

The long haired boy stood up to his feet. A bit leaner in body type, he was one of her more active boys and for him doing homework when he got back home was more a chore than anything. He came up to her right side, wearing black pants, and a basketball jersey. His favorite player having been the late great Kobe Byrant. His dark white skin, almost stuck in a permanent tan from all the time he spent outside. "Sorry," he whispered. "I forgot to do it again."

"And I hope you learn after this one that you need to keep up on your homework young man," Giana said as she helped the boy over her lap. Taking down pants to expose his laker's boxers, she gave the rear in front of her a few pats before starting the fourth spanking of the day. Going a bit harder as his father had suggested she did, cause in his words. "He can take a hard spanking," and judging from his dad's large hands. She knew why. Tyler G's legs kicked back and forth as her hand met his backside, each swat making him squirm a bit more as she slowly warmed his rear up. Her spankings lasted between 1 minute and 30 seconds to two minutes. After all, she still had to teach a class. She could feel the boy starting to tremble just slightly as she brought the chastisement to an end. Landing ten more spanks to his sitting spots before rubbing his back softly and helped him up. "You can have until the end of the day to turn your homework in, but next time I will count it as an automatic zero."

"Y-Yes Mrs. Myers." the boy whimpered as he rubbed his rear for a moment before pulling his pants back up.

"Good boy," she praised sending him back to his seat. Now having four students currently sitting with sore bottoms, and 21 more all hoping and praying that for the rest of the day. No one else heard those four simple words.

Get over my knee.

A/N: Thank you all for reading, I really do appreciate all that you do for me and all that you provide me when I write, it truly brings me peace to do what I love. Thank you for Vanewolf29 for the title suggestion and idea. I appreciate you very much for it. From now until Friday when I give you all another chapter of Crimson Hide. I am gonna be working on these series of one shot stories for both versions of ABC's of spankings. So if you have ideas for any of them, by all means share them and if they dont end up in volume 1 of both fics. They will end up in volume two, thank you all again and I will see you all much sooner rather than later.

Until next time.

Stay safe,

Stay behaved,

Or you might be spanked,

Bye Bye. 

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