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June 6 2022, 4 AM

Lilith's pov

A sharp chill enveloped me, and a sense of disorientation washed over me as I found myself lying in an unfamiliar place, the cold seeping through my bones as I realized I was alone. The memory of Jake's warning flickers through my mind, his playful advice now hauntingly ironic. Swallowing my pride, I push myself upright, my movements as mechanical as a broken record, retracing the familiar path back home for what feels like the umpteenth time this month. Opening the door, I am greeted by the sight of Jake casually lounging on the couch, a bowl of ice cream in hand, his casual demeanor contrasting with the turmoil brewing within me.

"Mhm, what time is it?" I mumble, the words escaping my lips before I can fully process my surroundings. Jake's perplexed expression gives way to a moment of scrutiny as his gaze lingers on my face, probing for signs I am desperately trying to conceal. "Just about an hour," he finally answers, a note of surprise tingeing his voice. His attempt to reminisce about his own past is cut short as a sudden jolt courses through my body, a familiar yet unwelcome sensation that leaves me grasping for stability.

"fuck," I curse under my breath, reaching out for Jake's hand to steady myself. His mix of concern and frustration is palpable, a silent acknowledgement of the struggle we both face. "You told me these episodes were improving," I let out a cry, a tinge of disappointment lacing my words. A quick exchange of glances, a gesture towards the kitchen, and a hushed directive to head upstairs all pass between us within moments.

Rolling my eyes in exasperation, a surge of dark veins momentarily mar the surface of my skin before fading, the outward manifestation of the internal battle waging within me. "You're insufferable," I retort with a hint of a smirk, a blend of sibling banter and shared turmoil underscoring our interaction. Jake's nonchalant posture on the couch contrasts starkly with the weight of secrets we carry, the unspoken burden of shielding Johnnie from the truth weighing heavily on my conscience as I reluctantly ascend the stairs, the weight of our shared reality heavy on my shoulders.

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