Chapter 31//Be careful who you trust

Start from the beginning

"Your mother then left we had to take care of you and Jake, but then we got intel that the bad people were closing in on us, they knew where we lived so we had to move, we travelled for a couple of months, we decided then to split you two up so your abilities wouldn't be as strong together. We left Jake to stay with his aunt in Ireland, he's still there today. We held on to you for a while longer until the bad people were literally hunting us down. We had to do something so we left you in an orphanage in Australia where you'd be safe." He looked at me.

"So that's how I remembered that song Luke sung to me at the orphanage, if I stayed with you guys for a long time he must've sung it to me before." I said finally understanding. "But what did you guys do after you brought us to safety?"

"We tried to keep a low profile starting a band but one thing led to another and we were famous which drew more attention so we had to adopt you, and go on tour which meant that we were travelling all the time and the bad people would never be able to catch us."

"But then after the tour they found out where we lived." I said staring blankly at the wall.

"Yeah." Calum sighed

"What about Jake?" I asked.

"Jake is very safe in Ireland." He assured me.

"Did we ruin your lives then?"

"No, no both of you didn't ruin our lives you've made our lives more adventurous." He grinned.

I giggled a bit.
We were interrupted by the sound of bags being wheeled through the house. I almost forgot Dan and Phil were leaving today. I gave Calum another long hug whispering; "Thank you." Before running over to Dan and Phil who had their bags ready at the door.

"I'm gonna miss you both." I hugged both of them.

"We'll miss you too Lucy." Phil hugged me.

"Be a good girl now Lucy." Dan chuckled hugging me.

"I will." I grinned "good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I whispered.

"I heard that!" Michael semi-shouted from his bedroom.

I smirked as we waved goodbye to Dan and Phil.

"Thanks for letting us trash your house!" Michael shouted after them.

They turned around laughing.

"I love youuuu!" Ashton shouted after them as well.

"Have my babies!" Calum shouted after them like an over obsessed fan girl.

"I ship Phan!" Luke finished off the fan girly shouting.

"Where's Daniel and Josh?" I asked I haven't seen them all day.

"I don't know." Ashton said looking worried and going back into the house.

We all followed him.

"Daniel baby where are you!" Michael shouted sounding like a woman.

"Josh where are you?" I giggled.

"If this is another one of your games I'll kill you both!" Ashton shouted looking under the table.

Luke and Calum picked up their Nerf guns, just in case.
I walked to the back of the house, maybe they were there. I skipped to the back, the sight that I saw wasn't what I was expecting.

"Dads!" I screamed.

"Yes Lucy!" They all shouted at the same time.

"I found them!" I started shaking.

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