"Do you think they'll let you back on the team?" the younger asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty, his steps slightly closer to San as if seeking reassurance.

San let out a weary sigh, his breath visible in the cool evening air. "I don't know, Young-ah," he admitted, his tone heavy with resignation. "Honestly, I try not to think about it too much. It just brings my mood down."

Wooyoung's brows furrowed in worry, his hand subconsciously reaching out to touch San's arm in a gesture of comfort. "But it's your passion, hyung," he insisted, "You're the ace. I don't think they'll let the opportunity to have a future national player on their team slide"

San's expression hardened, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. "Easy for you to say, Wooyoung," he retorted, his tone sharper than he intended. "You don't know how easy it would be to replace me"

Wooyoung recoiled slightly at the harshness in San's words, hurt flashing briefly in his eyes before he quickly masked it with a forced smile. "I know, I know," he murmured, his voice softer now, his hand dropping back to his side. "I just enjoyed watching you, that's all."

"I can't go professional anyway..."


"My body's not very- An explosion like that definitely causes long term damage"



Despite the tension between them, the cool breeze continued to rustle the leaves overhead, its gentle whisper a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for pushing San too hard, his heart aching at the thought of his struggles.

Right, topic change.

"Man, it's getting cold out here," Wooyoung remarked, changing the subject in an attempt to lighten the mood, his arm instinctively wrapping around San's waist as if to shield him from the chill.

San offered a faint smile in response, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly at Wooyoung's touch. "Yeah, winter's definitely on its way," he agreed, his gaze softening as he met Wooyoung's eyes. "Is this your attempt of seduction or what's this supposed to be?"

"I bet you waited for me to make the first step"

"First step? To what? Seduction?"


"Would you help me relieve some stress if I'd ask?"

"Right here? On the streets? Damn, hyung, I didn't think you'd be so-"

"Young-ah", the older loosened Wooyoungs grip on his waist, guiding his arms onto his shoulders instead, "That's not what I meant"

Under the soft glow of the streetlight, San's touch sent a shiver down Wooyoung's spine, igniting a warmth that spread from his fingertips to the depths of his soul.

His body reacted so intensely to the other's touch, it made Wooyoung go insane in the best way possible.

As San pulled him closer, their bodies melded together in a seamless embrace, and Wooyoung's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

He gazed up at the older with a soft, affectionate smile, his eyes sparkling with adoration. In that moment, bathed in the gentle radiance of the night, San's presence felt like a beacon of light amidst the darkness, guiding Wooyoung towards a sense of peace and belonging.

As San's hands moved to his waist, Wooyoung felt a surge of electricity shoot through him, his senses heightened by the intoxicating closeness of their proximity. Each touch, each caress, felt like a gentle reminder of the bond they shared, a connection that transcended words and defied explanation.

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