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The anticipation in the airport terminal is palpable, the air filled with the excited chatter of travelers embarking on their long-awaited vacations. San and Yuqi stand by the gate, their faces alive with anticipation as they exchange playful banter and excited chatter.

San adjusts the strap of his backpack, a grin spreading across his face as he turns to Yuqi. "Can you believe we're finally doing this? I bet Thailand is going to be incredibly!"

Yuqi's eyes sparkle with excitement as she nods eagerly. "I know, I can't wait! It's going to be my life's highlight!"

Their families stand nearby, exchanging smiles and laughter as they prepare to board the plane together.

San's father claps him on the back, his eyes shining with pride. "You kids are going to have a blast," his dad says, his voice filled with excitement. "I'm sure you'll love the hotel we picked out"

They enter the plane.

As they settle into their seats, the beam in the air is undeniable, the anticipation building with each passing moment.

San leans over to Yuqi, his voice filled with amusement. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," he says, his eyes almost glowing. "I hope we'll share a room again like last time"

Yuqi grins back at him, her eyes shining, "I know, I can't wait!" she says, "But I'll sleep in your best anyway, you know I can't sleep without you Oppa"

Everyone is in such a good mood today.

But as the plane takes off and begins its ascent into the sky, a sense of unease begins to settle over the cabin. A faint odor of smoke drifts through the air, causing passengers to exchange worried glances.

San furrows his brow in concern as he leans over to Yuqi. "Do you smell that?" he asks, his voice tinged with worry.

Yuqi nods, her expression tense with concern. "Yeah, something doesn't seem right. I hope everything's okay."

San glances around the cabin, his heart pounding with unease as he takes in the worried faces of his fellow passengers. He catches the eye of a flight attendant passing by and flags her down with a wave of his hand.

"Excuse me," he says, getting the woman's attention. "Is everything okay? We're smelling smoke back here."

The flight attendant's expression is tight with worry as she nods. "We're aware of the situation, sir. Please remain calm while we investigate."

But as the minutes tick by, the unease in the cabin grows, whispers of concern rippling through the passengers as they exchange worried glances. San grips Yuqi's hand tightly, his heart pounding in his chest as his fear or flights doesn't really help the situation.

Suddenly, chaos eructs as flames erupt from the cabin, sending passengers into a frenzy of panic and terror. San's heart lurches in his chest as he grabs Yuqi's hand, his voice filled with urgency. "Don't leave my side"

Thick smoke billows through the cabin, obscuring the vision of passengers and filling the air with a suffocating sense of dread.

"Passengers! We're about to emergency land on one of the big farmer fields below us! Please try to remain calm and seated!"

Nobody is listening.

San's big brother, Jae-hyun, springs into action, his instincts kicking in as he grabs San's arm and pulls him towards the nearest emergency exit.

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