Chapter 10

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*Air Temple Island*

After the reveal of Hiroshi Sato's allegiance with the Equalists, the Sato estates were searched but the CEO of Future Industries had disappeared. With the grounds currently on lockdown Asami had accepted the offer to move to Air Temple Island with Mako and Bolin.

As their boat arrived they spotted Korra and the airbender kids waiting for them at the docks. Ever a ball of energy, Ikki quickly gave a short tour of the island and answered whatever ridiculous question Bolin could come up with.

As they approached the temple's main building Mako decided to bring up the issue of their missing friend.

"Hey, where's Akira?" as if in response to the firebender's question a loud rumbling could be heard from the other side of the island.

"He's over there," Ikki said cheerfully, pointing the direction of the noise.

"He's training" Korra explained.

"Oh let's go see!" Bolin exclaimed, hopping up and down in excitement.

"Sure but I think we should put our stuff away first" said Mako, pointing to the exhausted air acolytes, struggling to carry all of Asami's luggage. Apparently no one taught the girl the meaning of the phrase 'pack light'.

With her siblings showing the boys to their rooms, Jinora and Korra were leading Asami to hers when they heard another loud crash from outside the temple walls.

"Does Akira, usually train that loudly?" Asami asked, as she and Jinora looked to Korra for the answer.

"Well he normally goes off on his own" Jinora explained. "So I never actually heard him from inside the compound."

"Well he's certainly making himself known now" the heiress smirked.

"Well here's your room" said the Avatar, leading them into an empty bedroom. "I know this is a little rustic compared to what you're used to."

"I think it's really charming and the best part about it, nothing here reminds me of my father" Asami said bitterly. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"No problem" Korra smiled. "Come on, let's go check on Akira."

Moving down to the beach Korra, Mako, Asami, and Bolin were treated to the sight of Akira metalbending shurikans while airbending them for speed at the same time. He then makes a wooden golem 50 feet away while using his newly created technique to completely obliterate the surrounding area.

"Wow. Since when could he do this much damage? Bolin exclaimed and for good reason. Almost the entire area was a complete 360 degree crater.

"Ah there you are" said Tenzin, approaching the group. "Good day, everyone. Welcome to the island."

"Thank you for having us" Asami replied, bowing to the master airbender. After returning the bow, Tenzin turned his attention to Korra.

"Beifong's replacement Saikhan is going to be inducted as the new Chief of Police later. I think we should both be there."

"Alright let's go."

*City Hall*

Arriving at city hall, Korra and Tenzin watched as the newly appointed Police Chief Saikhan, a bald middle aged man, delivered his speech to the public.

"It was an honor, serving under Chief Beifong for so many years and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen, but there is one man who has been effective against Amon's revolution."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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