Chapter 6

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*Air Temple Island*

"AAAAhhhhhh!" Korra screamed, waking up from her nightmare in a cold sweat. A few seconds later her door was open as Akira came in searching the room for any possible threats.

"Korra, you ok?" Akira asked, now sure that there was no danger.

"Yeah, just a bad dream," she said with a weak chuckle as she tried to put on a brave front.

"You sure? I mean you still look kind of freaked out."

"I'm fine Akira!" Korra said aggressively, surprising the blond.

"Hey, no need to yell. I just wanted to know if you were fine or not," Akira said in a placating manner.

"Well you don't have too because I'm fine!"

"Fine, forget it." Akira muttered, leaving Korra alone in the dark.

That afternoon, Akira joined his father in caring for the sky bison. Tenzin agreed as he had a feeling the ravenette had another reason for wanting to be alone with him. His suspicions proved true as Akira brought up his concerns about Korra.

"I don't know what her deal is father" said Akira as he helped his father feed the sky bison.

"Don't worry about Korra, Akira" said Tenzin. "I'm sure she'll talk to you when she's ready."

"But she's scared now." Tenzin turned to face Akira and placed a comforting hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Akira for now just do as you've always done; be her friend and be there when she needs you most."

"Alright, father" Akira sighed, unfortunately there was something else Tenzin had to speak to the boy about.

"Tarrlok the Northern Water Tribe council representative has formed a task force to deal with Amon. I suspect he'll be looking to have Korra join."

"Are you seriuos father! Korra is already having nightmares about that man. She can't go join some task force now."

"I agree Akira, it'd be best if she stayed away from the Equalist situation right now. Especially since this task force will only make things more strained between benders and non-benders. But there's more; there have been rumors going around lately."

"Rumors?" Akira asked unsure of where his father was going with this.

"Yes it appears after your...performance at that Equalist rally, there has been talk of a young man with strange bending abilities." Tenzin explained. "I've been able to keep attention away from you for the moment. But it'd be best if you tried to keep a low profile for a while as to let these rumors die out."

"Okay father," the ravenette agreed, Akira had no desire to have his special circumstances become public knowledge. "Come on let's finish up and grab some dinner."

That night everyone gathered at the table for dinner as Tenzin began to bless the food.

"We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion, and..."

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" an obnoxious voice interrupted. Turning their attention to the door, they saw their uninvited guest was a man of Water Tribe descent, dressed in expensive clothing, and had three prominently long ponytails.

"This is my home, Tarrlok" said Tenzin, identifying the man. "We're about to eat dinner."

"Good, because I am absolutely famished." Tenzin just glared as the man feigned ignorance. Seeing he was getting to the airbending master, Tarrlok decided to taunt the man. "Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?"

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