Chapter 7

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*Pro-Bending Arena*

Several months had passed since Korra had arrived in Republic City. Now it was getting closer to winter and snow was falling from the morning sky.

Sounds of bending could be heard from the Pro-bending arena's gym. Korra, Bolin, and Mako were sparring together. Akira sat to the side, reading a book.

The three benders sent attacks of their respective element at each other. Bolin was knocked down by Mako's fire but he swung his leg and hit Korra with earth. But she lashed out too and Mako was nailed by a string of water.

They all fell down at the same time. The three friends laughed. Akira hummed in amusement and put down his book.

Mako took off his helmet. "It's been great having you two for so many back-to-back practices."

Akira sighed. "I don't know why I go to these things."

Korra smiled. "It feels good to be back. Although Tarrlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence."

"Hey, you joined the Fire Ferrets before you joined his task force." Bolin said.

Akira nodded. "He's right, Korra. It's good to see you made the right choice."

"Okay, team huddle time!" Mako said. The three of them clasped each other's shoulders and got into a circle. Bolin looked to Akira.

"Come on, Akira. Join us! You're as much a part of the Fire Ferrets as- as Pabu!"

The ferret chittered and Akira rolled his eyes then joined them.

Mako cleared his throat. "It's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know we haven't been a team for very long but even so, the Fire Ferrets have never been this good. Are we ready?"

"We're ready!" Korra and Bolin said in unison.

"Yay." Akira monotoned.

"Not quite." Asami made her appearance walking through the gym entrance. "You'll need these." She held up their new uniforms, freshly made with the Sato Industries logo plastered onto the chest.

"Hey, Asami," said Mako with a smile.

"Good morning, sweetie."

"Sweetie." Akira chuckled quietly. Korra slammed her elbow into his gut and glared at him out of the corner of her eye. Asami handed the uniform to Mako.

"These new uniforms look great!" He said.

"You look great!" They giggled and rubbed noses. Korra looked at them in disgust. Akira raised an eyebrow in slight repulse.

"Well, teammates," Mako put his arm around his girlfriend, "I'll see you before the match tonight. Asami and I have a lunch date." They walked off.

Akira began striding after them. "I'm gonna go back home for now."

"Okay, we'll check you guys later. You know we'll see you when we see you." Bolin said with a wave. Korra picked up her bag and Bolin sidled over to her.

"So, Korra. There they go. Here we are. All alone in the gym. Just you and me. Two alone people. Together. Alone." He was obviously attempting something. Korra of course, didn't get the message.

"Uh, I gotta head back to the Air Temple to train with Tenzin. See ya."

She ran out the door. Bolin looked dejected. He half-heartedly picked up his bag and headed out the door. Making his way downstairs, he walked outside the arena and breathed in the fresh, slightly chilly air. He stretched his arms and glanced to the side of the building.

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