Chapter 8

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*Metalbending Police HQ: Lin's office*

Well, it was only a matter of time, after all the noise about what happened at both Amon's rally and the brutal defeat of the chi blockers at Aang Memorial Island. It makes sense that Lin would be forced to call in Akira; said ravenette was currently doing his best not to shrink under the glare of the annoyed police chief/mother.

"I thought told you to keep a low profile. Instead, you decided to put twenty chi blockers into the hospital" Lin noted, her tone firm and clearly she was doing her best not to explode. "Do you not understand how to keep quiet?"

"Well to be fair it was all Tarrlok's fault" Akira reasoned. "If he didn't force Korra into his task force none of that would've happened Mom."

Lin just threw her head back in frustration as she personally also held the councilman responsible for manipulating the Avatar. But she wasn't about to give Akira a break just because he's her kid. She was about to give the ravenette a few choice words when her radio station cut off in favor of an unwelcomed interruption.

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon. I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last. It's time for this city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals. Or else, there will be severe consequences."

"You know she's going to be there" said Akira, there was no doubt in Lin's mind as to who he was referring to.

"Come on" Lin sighed, seeing no point in not bringing Akira along. After all he was just going to end up there anyway.

*Republic City Hall*

Arriving at city hall, neither Lin nor Akira were surprised to find Korra, Bolin, and Mako standing before the city council pleading for the arena to be kept open. Unfortunately the council wasn't listening, thinking it'd be too dangerous to keep the pro-bending tournament going.

"I told you, she was going to be here" Akira murmered. Lin said nothing, preferring not to respond to her son's words. As Tarrlok was about to bang his gavel to close the discussion, Lin shatters it into pieces with a metal cable, announcing their presence.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar" she said as she walked into the chamber.

"You do?" Tarrlok questioned.

" do?" Korra repeated also confused by the chief's support.

"I expected this kind of cut and run response from Tenzin, but the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone. It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists" said Lin.

"We must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out war!" Tenzin argued. "The council is not changing its position."

"Now, just a moment, Tenzin. Let us hear what our esteemed Chief of Police has in mind" said Tarrlok.

"If you keep the arena open, my metalbenders and I will provide extra security during the championship match. There's no matter force to deal with the chi blockers. Our armor is impervious to their attacks."

"Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the arena?" the councilman smirked.

"I guarantee it." Lin said confidently.

"It is hard to argue with Chief Beifong's track record. If she is confident, her elite officers can protect the arena, then she has my support. I am changing my vote. Who else is with me?"

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