Chapter 9

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*Air Temple Island*

The fallout of Amon's attack during the pro-bending tournament finals hit the city hard. The city was in a state of unrest as police presence increased along with that of Tarrlok's task force. Truly the city was getting ready for war.

"So how do things go with the guys?" asked Akira, as he and Korra sat on the temple's roof.

"Turns out Asami already invited them to stay with her," said Korra. Akira didn't miss the hint of disdain in her voice.

"Still not a fan of Asami?"

"Please who wants to spend time with such a prissy little rich girl?" the Avatar asked sarcastically.

"Are you sure it's not just because she's dating Mako" the ravenette grinned, earning a punch in the arm from his friend.

"Shut it," Korra grumbled.

"Relax Korra, no reason to be jealous" Akira teased.

"Whatever dual boy." Getting ready to go inside, Korra stopped to give her friend a mischievous grin. "By the way, you're coming with me to the Sato mansion tomorrow."

"Wait what?!" the ravenette inquired, but Korra just laughed and walked away. "What the heck am I supposed to do at a mansion party? Am I supposed to get dressed up?!"

*Sato Estate*

The following day after being assured, they weren't required to dress up Akira and Korra arrived at the Sato Estate. Once inside the family butler led them out back to the pool where they found Mako and Asami relaxing in the water.

"Avatar Korra and Master Akira have arrived" the butler announced.

"Hey Korra, Akira" said Mako, waving his friends over.

"Glad you made it" Asami smiled. Before either of them could return the greeting, Korra and Akira were soaked as Bolin cannonballed into the pool.

"Yeah thanks for the invite" Akira deadpanned, accepting the towel offering from the butler.

"Looks like you guys settled right in" said Korra, taking a seat on a lounge chair.

"Pretty much, except someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here" said Mako, shooting a playful glare at Asami.

"Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him" Asami said casually. "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."

"This is the greatest place in the world" Bolin said excitedly, getting out of the pool, Pabu ridding comfortably on his shoulder. "Watch this" standing in a regal manner, the earthbender addressed the butler. "Fetch me my towel good sir."

"Yes Master...Bolin" the butler said neutrally, but Akira recognized the scornful look in the man's eyes making him think Bolin may have been a little too excited about having access to mansion staff.

"Master Bolin. I love this guy" the earthbender laughed. "Now pat me dry." The butler was quick to comply and even did the same for Pabu. But Akira found himself really feeling sorry for the poor butler as Bolin quickly jumped back into the pool, the moment he'd finished drying the earthbender.

"So, what do you have planned for us today?" Korra asked Asami. "Let me guess: shopping, makeovers?"

"I have something a little more exciting in mind" replied the Sato heiress, ignoring the Avatar's condescending tone.

Asami had the party moved to the estate's private raceway where they watched Satomobiles race around the track at high-speed.

"Ok Asami you are officially cool" said Korra, clearly awed by the machines.

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