Chapter 2 - Lake of Time

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Marching through the Forest, it was eerily quiet. There were a lot of different scents, and nearly no light either.

'It's so quiet... ...In a way, it's kind of... peaceful...'


'God I'm hungry... No, this Oran Berry is the only Healing Item I have for Ralts. ...Although... I wouldn't mind some Water... For me, and for Ralts.'

Looking down, I stared at the Injured Blue Ralts in my arms.

'It's been almost half an hour... When can I find something useful?'

Answering my question, I find myself in a large clearing.

At the Center of this Clearing was a Large Blue Lake that shone brightly from the Rays of Sunlight streaming from the Open Roof.

"Woah... ...Well that solves the Water Problem."

Walking closer, I stop.

"...Something is off."

The Air felt... cold. ...And seemed to be... moving?

...Suddenly, the Air around us began to turn into Mist.

"Ugh, what now!?"

As the Mist formed, it began to gather to the center of the Lake, forming a small condensed sphere.


As I waited, the Mist fully cleared, all gathered at the center.

To my surprise, the Mist began glowing a Bright Green Color.

"...Hm? I feel like there's gonna be a flash-"

A bright light exploded out of the ball.


I constantly rubbed my eyes to rid myself of this painfully itchy situation.

When I could see clearly again, I looked up and...

"Finally~!! I finally reached this Era! A Far, FAR more peaceful one~! Now I don't have to worry as much about Humans trying to hunt me down all the time!"

...I saw a small Green Fairy-Like Creature begin to fly around.

'Celebi!? Not even a day in and I already spot a Mythical Pokemon!? WHAT is WITH today!?'

"Ahh~! It feels so good to be free! Away from the Nets! Away from the Chasing! And away from the Hu-.... ...Huh?"

...They look straight at me.

"...Hi?" I was stunned.

"...Hello... ...What do we have here?"

They hover closer, showing visible curiosity towards the Pokemon in my hands.

"...Oh. I was... wondering if it was okay to use some water from this Lake. My friend here is badly injured, so I wanted to help them get better..."

"...Hmm... This Human seems trustworthy enough. No Pokeballs either, it seems... Alright. Let's go."

They wave a hand at me, beckoning me towards the Lake.

Still slightly nervous, I make my way towards the Lake.

Reaching the edge, I kneel down, and splash a bit of water on Ralts's Face.

"...Mmm... ...Hm!? Tch! Yowch that stings! ...Huh? ...Where... is this place?" They woke up, and looked around, confused...

"Yo. It seems like this kid brought you here. Although, I don't understand why he just splashed water on you instead of dipping you in." Celebi said.

"Ralts, eat this."

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