chapter 34

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Jk pov: In a garden full of different types of flowers. i and another man were dancing with my hands wrapped around the other guy's neck..and that guy's hands were wrapped around my waist... And we danced to the romantic music playing in the background, heavy and cold wind was blowing which made my neatly styled hair go messy and the other guy gently brushed his fingers through my hair, i blushed at his action and giggled. he chuckled setting my hair

That guy had messy hair.. deep voice and he was dressed nicely but i couldn't see his face, his face was for some reason covered with bright light.. I don't know because of the light i couldn't see his face..we were dancing and dancing but suddenly the light from his face started fading away and slowly slowly it completely disappeared from his face

And wait he was taehyung, taehyung was smiling at me with his both hands around my waist, i could see his eyes filled with love for me, i smiled back at him..we blinked our eyes..rose petals were flying in the air and i leaned forward to give him a peck suddenly he pushed me and i fell down on the ground but instead of landing on the hard ground i fell on something soft,

i opened my eyes just to find myself i my room in taehyung's arms...wait what?

I was pretty confused seeing myself laying in taehyung's arms who was sitting on the floor with me laying on his lap and he was looking at me..we stared at each other for some time and i blushed seeing us in this position and then he spoke

Taehyung: why did you sleep on the couch? You were about to fell on the floor

And that's it i came back to my senses and realized that those red roses and that romantic music playing in the background  everything was just a dream lol.. and damn even in the dream he was fighting with me and pushed me wow...anyways i immediately got up from his arms and spoke

Jk: w.. why are you sitting on the floor? Why was i in your arms?

Taehyung: you were about to fall down on the floor but thank me that i came at the right time otherwise you would be crying right now out of pain

(Jungkook rolled his eyes and spoke)

Jk: i am not a crybaby, how are you? By the way, your fever decreased?

Taehyung: yes, i am fine..go and take bath then go to the university

Jk: umm..can i skip?

Taehyung: no

Jk: please?

Taehyung: no

Jk: please?

Taehyung: want me to call yoongi hy—(cuts off)

Jk: oh my god i have to go to the university..i am already late (he said running towards the washroom taehyung laughed and went downstairs to make breakfast)

(Taehyung was making breakfast when he heard footsteps, he looked behind and found jk coming downstairs wearing his uniform and completely ready to go to the university..he came and sat on the chair)

Jk: taehyung my breakfast (Jungkook spoke pouting)

Taehyung: can't you call me hyung instead of taking my name? I am older than you kid

Jk: how about i call you grandpa?

(Taehyung turned around and glared at him Jungkook stuck out his toungue)

Taehyung: I thought you changed yourself... because in the past few days you behaved like a good boy but now again you're becoming a brat

Jk: good boy and me? I will not stop annoying you till my death

(For some reason taehyung's heart ached when jk talked about his death, taehyung turned around)

Taehyung: shut the hell up (he spoke sternly and placed the breakfast on the table)

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