ep 7

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(Jungkook used phone till late at night and then fell asleep while using the phone)

(Time skips next day,jk was sleeping peacefully that's when someone pulled the blanket off from him)

Jk: (eyes closed, pulling the blanket to cover himself) mom let me sleep

Suga: i said get up right now (hearing Suga's stern voice jk widened his eyes and fell down with the blanket but he immediately got up and stood in front of suga)

Jk: (rubbing his half opened eyes) h...hyung i am awake

Suga: at what time your university starts?

Jk: at...at 8:30 (he said looking down)

Suga: and what time is it now?

Jk: t..time? (He panicked and ran towards the bed to search his phone)

Suga: it's 8 o'clock (he said jk stopped on his track and looked at suga with a nervous smile)

Suga: i want (point his index finger towards kook) you downstairs in 20 minutes

(Jk nodded and suga walked out of the room)

Jk: (punching the bed,fake crying)  WHY DID THIS CAT CAME BACK....MY LIFE IS MISERABLE...CATY WON'T LET ME LIVE...(he turned around and found suga standing on the door frame with so done face hands crossed over his chest,jk gulped and without saying anything he ran inside the bathroom suga shook his head and left from there)

(Time skips after sometimes jk took a bath,had his breakfast and left for university)

(He was walking on the road that's when a car stopped beside him,jk frowned and then the person slide the window down,jk rolled his eyes when he saw taehyung and jimin in the car)

Tae: kiddo come i will drop you

Jk: (glared at taehyung) get lost before i do something

Jimin: Jungkook come we are going to university only

Jk: i am going by myself Jimin

Tae: why don't you take a taxi?

Jk: why does it bothers you?

Tae: (whispered in jimin's ear) what happened to him?

Jimin: (controlling his laugh) h..he is angry because his suga hyung came back

Tae: (looked at jimin, wide eyes) DAMN REALLY?

(Jimin nodded while laughing taehyung Burst into laughter,jk glared at both of them)


Tae: (laughing at jk) what if i don't?

Jk: (glaring at taehyung) I WILL KILL YOU

Tae: with those tinny hands of yours?

Jk:i am sorry but i am not your brother

Tae: what do you mean?

Jk: ohhh you didn't get it? (Showing his hands) look at my hands and jimin's (he laughed and started walking)

Tae: okay i am sorry come and sit

Jk: no thank you (he replied while walking angrily)

Jimin: (to taehyung) i am going by walk (he stepped down and ran towards kook,he wrapped his arm around jk's shoulder but jungkook jerked it)

Jimin: jungkook i am sorry

Jk: don't talk to me (he said angrily)

Jm: (hugged jk tightly) i am sorry na please forgive me

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