Chapter 17

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It's officially the first day of the tour and I'm so excited to see what the tour will bring for me. Breia has been getting on pretty well with the dancers, especially Ashley, Mari, and Trinity. They treat her like a little sister, and I couldn't be happier that she found people who love her as much as I do. We are currently at the venue in the rehearsal space, perfecting some last-minute counts. "Breia, baby it's time for you to take a break," I said after I noticed her beginning to breathe harder than normal. She looked at me with a pout before sitting in Trinity's lap in the corner. 

We went through the counts over and over and finally got them how I wanted them to look. Now we are heading to a full dress rehearsal. Breia is asleep in Trinity's arms. I'm not sure if she slept at all last night. I put her to bed and I was out like a light. As I was walking my phone dinged, signifying a message. 

Lani: happy tour day babygirl, I know you'll be great! I'm so proud of you! 

I blushed hard looking at my phone before replying to her and shutting the phone off. I looked up and noticed Breia was looking around with wide eyes, possibly trying to find me. Trinity pointed in my direction and like clockwork, Breia was running in my direction. "Mommy" Breia said. "Breia" I replied. She raised her arms in the air and I picked her up allowing her to lay her head on my chest. After swaying her for a minute, the sound technician gave me the okay to begin rehearsal. I attempted to put Breia down but she clung to me tightly. "What's the matter, baby? I have to work" She just whined in return. I saw Amari approaching, so I signaled her to come over. "Can you take her for me?" She complied, took Breia into her arms, and walked to the chairs set off the stage. 

"I need more light here and fans should be facing this way, those backdrops are not supposed to be that high up" I gave notes as I was finishing up the rehearsal. Everything was looking good, you would think everyone would be doing their job as I say, but that's not the case. I walked off the stage heading towards my dressing room with Mari, Trin, and Ash behind me. Walking in, I saw a huge bouquet sitting on my desk. I playfully rolled my eyes as the girls teased me and asked who they were from. Walking further into the room, I noticed a smaller bouquet sitting on the table. I walked to the bigger one and pulled the note from it. "pretty flowers for a pretty girl! I miss you already" I smiled big and began taking pictures of the card and bouquet. I sent it to the group chat with my girls. 

I ignored the teasing and went to the facetime icon on my phone starting a call to La. She answered on the last ring with her head under the covers. These time zones are kicking both of our asses. "hey baby, thank you for the flowers they're gorgeous" I said smiling softly. "you're welcome pretty, did Breia get hers?" she asked. I shocked my head panning the camera to Breia sleeping on Ashley's lap. La asked me to wake her up so that she could speak. That led to them talking up until it was time for everyone to start getting ready. 

I'm now heading to the stage. We prayed before getting onto the lift. As I began singing Dangerously in Love, I looked around the stadium and did not see one dry eye. I literally have the best fans in the world, no one can tell me otherwise. As the show progressed, it was time for Breia to perform the choreography for My Power. Nervous was an understatement. I know the moment she steps on this stage, the media will go wild. I still have not told her about the adoption. I looked down at the lift and saw Breia making me take a deep, shaky breath. 

She went through her set pretty well, I'm so proud of her! You could literally see her feeding off the energy of the crowd and the other dancers. She held her own, no lie. 

The show finally came to an end and I am so glad everything went smoothly. As I was walking backstage to my dressing room I heard Breia yelling at someone. "I don't care about what she says!" I heard her. I sped up my steps and hurriedly opened the door. She was yelling at Ashley with Amari trying to calm her down. I looked at Ash trying to figure out what was going on. "Breia why are you yelling?" I asked her. She glared at me before storming out of the room with Amari behind her. I looked around the room waiting for an explanation. "she's upset because I wouldn't let her read what people were saying about her dancing with you. I told her you wouldn't want her to see that kind of stuff. Then, she started yelling at me. I'm sorry Bey, I should've just left it alone." Ashley explained sadly. "it's okay Ash, thank you for protecting her. I will make sure she apologizes to you. I love you boo" I told her bringing her into a hug. 

I took a deep breath before walking out of the room to find Breia. I rounded the corner of the hall and found them sitting on a bench in the lobby. Amari saw me approaching, sat Breia down, and left after giving me a small smile. "What's the matter Breia?" I asked her softly. She explained the situation just as Ashley did before turning to me with tears pooling in her eyes. "Baby girl I understand you are frustrated but Ash was only trying to protect you just as I have told her and everyone else. You don't get to yell at her or anyone for that matter because something isn't going your way.  You know better Breia seriously. I will be expecting you to apologize to her tonight and I want your iPad." I said. "Mommyyy, that's not fair Breia said." I shrugged my shoulders and prompted her to get up so we could get back to the room. When we entered the room, Ash looked up and quickly looked back down at her phone. Breia just stood there so I pushed her a little and gave her a look. 

She went in front of Ash, looking down, playing with her fingers. "Breia, do not make me call Alani," I said sternly. She quickly and sincerely apologized to Ash before sitting on her lap and giving her a big hug and kiss. Ash gave me a small smile, enjoying the hug.

After the chaos, we all went back to the bus and got ready for bed. 

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