Chapter 9

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It's been three days since Breia has been back at her foster home. Getting her to go back there was very emotional. She cried the whole drive back and was very distant during our departure. I felt so bad, but there was nothing I could really do at that moment. I haven't heard anything from her since that day. I've called, texted, and FaceTimed her but she hasn't responded. We have tour rehearsals later today so I'm hoping she will show up with Amari. I decided to text Amari to see if she'd heard anything from Breia.

: hey Amari, have you talked to Breia lately? she's not answering me. 

: Hey Bey! I'm actually with her now. She's not feeling the best and she won't talk to me. Mind if we stop by?

: yes, that's fine. my address is 4044 Woodbridge Ave. Let me know when you're here so I can buzz you in.

: okay!

As I waited for Amari to arrive, I sat on the couch responding to emails about wardrobe and other tour things. I couldn't help but think about Breia and what she's possibly going through. I've also been in contact with someone about my foster license so I'm hoping to get her out of this situation. As I was sending my last email, I heard my buzzer go off. I left Amari in and went to unlock the door. I watched from the door as Amari got out of the car and Breia stayed seated. I frowned lightly at her behavior. I couldn't help but think she was angry at me, but I had no idea why.

After much persuasion from Amari, Breia finally got out of the car and they made their way to my door. "Hey Mari, it's nice to see you again," I said as I hugged her. "Hey Bey, you too," she said back. I smiled and looked in Breia's direction. She avoided eye contact with me and began walking away towards the living room. I looked at Amari for some sort of explanation but she only gave me a shrug in return. We followed Breia into the living room and found her sitting on the couch staring at the TV.

"Hey Breia, how are you bubs?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders while still looking at the TV. I was beginning to feel disrespected and confused. "Are you upset with me?" I asked her. "No," she said quickly. "What's wrong baby, you're not making sense. You've ignored all my approaches to speak with you. Did I do something wrong?" Before I knew it, she was balling her eyes out. I got up quickly to comfort her. I pulled her into my lap, rocking her and whispering sweet things in her ear. "What happened Breia?" Amari asked after she had calmed down some. "The lady and kids at the house were being meaner than before and they are hitting me now. I don't want to go back there BB" Breia said before laying her head on my chest. "Okay, baby. Can you sit with Amari for a second? I need to make a phone call."

As Breia got comfortable in Amari's lap, I headed to the kitchen to call the one person who could help me in this situation. "Hey Bug, can you come over really quick?" I asked her as my voice began to shake. "I'm on my way," she said and ended the call. I took a moment to breathe. I can't believe they're treating her like this. She's such a sweet little girl. It breaks my heart that they're abusing her, she doesn't deserve that at all. I need to figure out how I'm going to get her out of that house, ASAP.


something short for now 😛 

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