Chapter 14

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I've been with BeyBey for four months now and I've loved every minute of it. I've come close to calling her mommy so many times but I'm so scared. It's so scary for me to call her mommy because of how everyone treated me in the past, but she's been like my mother since inviting me into her home. I am in my room just waking up watching Paw Patrol. We have a break from rehearsals for like two weeks so I'm spending a lot of time catching up on episodes. BeyBey also told me that I can't dance in so many sets at every show. I agree because dancing is tiring! It's around 10 a.m. now, and BB would usually be in to get me for breakfast by now. Oddly, she's not in here. I got out of bed, slipped on my fuzzy house shoes, and walked down the hall to her room.

I knocked on the door, but I didn't get a response as I normally would. When I opened the door, I saw her sleeping heavily. I slid into bed with her, laid my head on her chest, and wrapped my arm around her waist. She stirred awake, immediately beginning to cough and sneeze. "Good morning baby, you can't be too close. I don't want you to get sick," she told me pushing me away gently. I pouted at her as she looked back at me with red, runny, puffy eyes. I hurriedly left her room and went to get my phone from my room. I FaceTimed Lala and she answered on the first ring. "Hey baby, what's up?" she asked. "Mo- BB is sick and I don't know what to do," I told her. "Okay, baby. I'll be over in about 30 minutes. Can you go fix her a glass of orange juice and get her some water for me?" I went to do as told. After waiting around for her, I finally heard the doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey honey, Solo and Kelly are going to come by and pick you up while I help BB feel better." I nodded at her, happy to spend time with my aunts. I went to pack a small bag and waited for them to arrive.

I went to give BB a hug and a kiss before leaving with my aunts.


I was not expecting to get a call from sweetpea today about Beyoncè being sick. When I opened her door, she was sleeping again, breathing through her mouth rather hard. "Baby, wake up," I said smoothing her hair. Her eyes fluttered open and she lazily looked at me before going into a coughing fit. I kissed her forehead before prompting her to sit up to give her some soup. I fed her the soup in small increments. While eating, she pushed the spoon away, grabbed the small trash can beside her bed, and threw up. I grimaced a little before pulling her hair back. As she finished, I gave her some water to rinse her mouth and she laid her head back on my shoulder. "Baby, you're burning up. We need to get you to the hospital" I told her. "No, I don't want to," she said groggily. I sighed before sitting her up and guiding her to the shower. "I'll run you a hot hot shower to see if we can sweat your fever a bit." She began to undress and my eyes widened. I didn't expect her to do that while I was in here. "Get in with me please," I heard her whisper. I didn't want to hear her complaining so I began to undress and get in with her. After washing her body a few times, she turned around and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and we cuddled in the shower for about 15 minutes. "We have to get out now, you need to eat something," I told her, kissing her head.

Once we were out of the shower, I fed her crackers and ginger ale as that was the only thing she could keep down. While lying in bed, Breia came in with her bag in her hand. "I'm leaving," she said coming over to hug and kiss Bey. Bey eventually went to sleep after taking some medicine. I decided to clean her house before going to the store.

I picked up some flowers, her favorite candy, a bear, and some cough drops. I created a small 'get well soon' basket for her. She'd been sleeping for around three hours now, so I decided to wake her up to take some more medicine. "wake up baby girl" I told her. She sat up for me to take her temperature and give her more medicine. Her temp went down a lot, so that's good.

"I have something for you," I said, giving her the basket. "Awww, thank you so much baby," she said smiling widely.

We are currently cuddling in bed. Bey is lying on my chest while we both watch videos on our phones. Her temperature is back to normal and she's keeping more food down. I'm going to assume that she had a 24-hour bug because she recovered pretty quickly.

"I want to take you out," I told her, putting my phone down. She blushed, putting hers down as well. "I would like that," she said. I nodded kissing her head. I put on a movie for us to watch while we chilled for the rest of the night.

I began to think of all the things we could do on our "first" date. We've been out before, but nothing was established as a date.


"TT, can I ask y'all something" I asked, sitting down on the couch. "Yeah baby wassup, TT Kelly said. "Do you think BB would be mad if I called her mommy?" I asked them looking down. I saw Solange stop what she was doing and look at me. She grabbed my hands, making me look up at her. "I think she'll be ecstatic baby, she's been waiting on that," she said smiling. I nodded my head before grabbing my phone to check on her. I called BB and she picked up on the first ring. She looked way better than she did earlier. Her voice was raspier than usual "Hey baby, you having fun?" She asked. "Yes, but I want to come home now. Are you feeling better?" I asked pouting. "I'm feeling better, but I think you should stay with your big-head aunts until tomorrow," she said. "I heard that you pimple neck giraffe," TT solo said while I laughed. BB rolled her eyes at me and cut them at Lala who was also laughing. We continued to talk for some time before I hung up to go eat and get ready for bed.


I strongly dislike this chapter, but the next one will be better <3

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