1. London

162 6 2

Author pov

The sunrise fell on a pretty girl who was curled up to herself under the blanket she groaned and covered her face to avoid the sunlight.

The birds were chirping and the sunlight that sneaked inside the room through the half closed curtains.

She woke up with happy and excited face as she was in new country it was few minutes past 10 right now her body felt so tired even though she slept whole night as she landed here yesterday evening and was tired as hell so as soon as she came and filled all the required formalities she directly went to the hostel that was provided to her as it was available in her scholarship package.

After registering there she went to her room and slept all night and now she was exited to explore the new place as she still had 2 more days till her University starts getting out of the bed she went to the small balcony that her room had she looked out at the already busy people and felt bad seeing tention and impassions in them not many were smiling and she wished to make everyone happy and her crazy mind says her to talk to them and she does the same

" Hey guys"

she screamed and everything one moving stood and look up to see a pretty looking girl grinning at them waving her hand

"am Agna new to this country hope we get along well and be good friends"

she said few made werid faces but many waved there hand while grinning at her and just like that she made good start with few nabers of hers and made many smile which made her happy.

Coming back to the room she saw her room properly now it was little biger than her own room there was a proper bed , study stable, wardrobe attached to one of the walls , a balcony , attached washroom it was a lot than she expected as she has always heard only about hostel's that have broken walls, steel bed ,broken taps ,bad food etc but looking at her room right now she was very happy and satisfied.

Taking out her luggage she started settling in after arranging her dress in the wardrobe she went to washroom to keep her towels and other stuffs there her washroom was good to with a sink and a mirror attached above the sink it had a shower no bathtub she badly wanted a bathtub but never mind what she got is also beautiful after arranging everything she was hella tired she took a shower and wore a light purple sundress

Taking out her luggage she started settling in after arranging her dress in the wardrobe she went to washroom to keep her towels and other stuffs there her washroom was good to with a sink and a mirror attached above the sink it had a shower no ba...

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Her dress

After getting dressed she took out her phone and called her father she has already taken new sim in airport itself and needed some time to activate after two rings he picked up

"Hi dad"

she said cheerfully

"Hi beta"

he said happily before she say anything he started

" when did you reached?, did you reach safely?, you had dinner last night?, did you settle or are you still in bed like always!, did_"

and she cut him in middle

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