Fairytail here we come

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Lucy pov

The sun finally decides that it will make its presence known by hitting my face, literally.

"Ow! What the -"

"What's wrong with you?! How dare you not inform us!" My celestial spirit exclaims.

"What did I do? You're the one who hit me, Lux!" I say then mutter "and it really hurt too"

" You should be glad that I came on behave of the spirits! You're lucky that it wasn't Luna! And, what were you thinking? Were you just gonna leave training to go back to that despicable guild!" Wow, Lux seems really mad...I feel bad for whoever is going to see her during a fight.

My sun spirit is feisty, better back off before you get burned! ...I should probably listen to my advice...OH MAVIS! I can use my Sun spirit form against Natsu! Teach him how there are flames he can't digest. That'd b-

" Are you even listening to me?!"

"Ow! Ow! OUCH! OK OK! Yea I am!" I yell, rubbing the spots where she just zapped me.

"Were you really just gonna go?" Lux sighed.

"Of course not! I was gonna tell you...the day I leave...I didn't want you guys to stop me. And it's not like I'm abandoning you, you guys will obviously come with me! You're my spirits for Mavis's sake!"

"Oh Lucy, if that's what you really want. I guess we are okay with it, just as long as you take one of us with you. Also, you better not slack on any of your daily exercise!" I smile and hug the mother hen of my celestial family.

"Ok Lux, but who will come with me?" I question.

All of a sudden, gas randomly appears from the opposite corner of the cave. I sigh, guess Neptune is the one coming.

Neptune gracefully exists the gassy area with, his sunglasses parched on his head. Him and Loki could pass as twins, really, but I will admit it, Neptune's abs are harder. Hehe, I remember going swimming with him, Lux, Luna, Loki, and Willy. Lets just say that they had us girls, testify who the strongest guy was.

"Hey, my darling! Miss me? What am I saying? That isn't even a question! Of course you did, after all it is the one and only me!" I sigh, his abs aren't that only thing that rank higher on a scale than Loki. His ego and, uh I guess player habits are also higher.

"Oh, hey Nep, what are you doing here?" I turn around to see William in a soaked muscle shirt, I guess he just took a bath (in the lake nearby). Oh Mavis, I really am surrounded by gorgeous males.

"I will be accompanying you guys to the farttail guild" he says...all seriously.

"Uh, Fairytaill not farttail" I correct.

"Same thing, love" he waves it off.

William comes and hangs his arm around my shoulder. I try to resist the urge to lean on him...I try yet I fail.

"So I see that you guys finally are together! Luna now owes me 500 jewels so thanks! But I still get to hit on you Luc, ain't nobody stopping me from that!"

"Nobody's gonna make that mistake, unless they wanna deal with your 'wrath'" I laugh.

"All fear the mighty Neptune, for he will release his wrath and you shall then have helium voice!" William contributes causing me to laugh harder, and Nep to pout.

"Hey! Lucy is my best friend so yea, any person who tries to divide us will face my wrath. And you know that I could take you on any day!" Neptune says mockingly, yet being truthful.

I giggle, and change the topic before they start another stupid but funny competition. "So, are you ready to leave?"

"Yup, what about you guys?" Nep replies.

"Almost, we weren't planning on leaving until tomorrow so we didn't feel the need to have  everything packed by today." Willy explain.

"Okay well, when are we going to the guild?".  Wow, Neppie seems really eager to see 'farttail'.

"After settling down there. First of all, we still need to find a place to stay." Willy says.

"I'm sure it won't be that hard. Anyway, I'm going to take a bath so bye." I say, trying to leave the room. The reality of seeing everyone again was introducing more nerves to me.

"Want some company, sugar?" Neppie yells after me.

"Shut up Neppie!"

I shake my head and giggle when, I hear a sound of a slap echo of the mysterious cave walls. I know that Willy most likely whacked the back of Neptune's head.

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