Imperfect perfections

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Lucy's pov

I exit the cave to see the sun about to set. Looking down to my wrist, I find out that I have 10 mins till The date starts.

Not wanting to go back inside, I lay down on the grass. The view from here always has been gorgeous.

Closing my eyes, I try to relax my nerves. Just when I calm down, I feel the presence of another. Focusing on the sound of their breath and heartbeat, I realize that the person is no other than my William. William? I like the sound of that, I think as a smile is placed on my lips.

Turning around, my eyes get trapped. Trapped in the depths of Williams Blue eyes. The eyes that remind me of blue pansies, my current favourite flower.

" You look beautiful" William says softly, breaking me out of my trance.

"Thank you" I whisper back.

Looking down I check out his outfit. willy is wearing a black muscle shirt and dark blue pants. On his right wrist, he is wearing the black thread bracelet I made him.

Meeting his eyes, I wink " You look mighty fine".

A feeling of pure happiness fills me when I see his eyes twinkling with laughter.

My eyes follow him, carefully watching his muscles flex as he gets up. William dusts off himself and then lends me a hand.

I grab his smooth yet callused hand, allowing him to lift me off the ground.

"Where are we going to go?" I ask.

"Somewhere close" he answers.

"That doesn't really answer my question though" I laugh.

"Well, then you will just have to wait" he winks at me.

He begins walking, dragging me along. Soon, our path intercepts with the surrounding forest. As i commence walking on my own, I continue holding William's arm.

Sighing I stop, halting William's stiff moving. Nervousness filled the atmosphere.

"Are you ok? Why did you stop? Do you not want to go out with me? Oh mavis, i pressurized you into saying yes didn't I! Luc-" I cut his rambling short.

"William stop. No you didn't pressurize me into anything. I want to go out with you! It's just that... you seem nervous. What's wrong? And since when do you say 'Mavis'?"

"Oh. I- it's nothing. I just, I'm just afraid that you won't like it. uh, and well I guess I just sorta, picked it up from you."

"Don't be willy. I'm sure that whatever you planned is going to be amazing."

"Thank you"

"I didn't do anything" I giggle.

William looks into my eyes and says, "That's what you think, now come on!"

This time, we didn't stop until we reached our destination. As soon as I saw the sight infront of me, I froze. It was breathtaking.

There was cliff that evenly met the sunset. The purple and blue colour of the sky, highlighted every rocky part of the surface. Bringing in view all the imperfections of the location. Alone, a single imperfection wouldn't be a sight to behold. Infact, it would be the opposite. But, when all those little imperfections are brought together to form the single location. The true beauty of place is brought out. In simple words, the place's imperfections made it perfect.

In Between of everything, there was a small picnic. Tears of joy ran down my face. I feel someone wipe away my tears and guide me towards the picnic.

"Thank you, I don't believe a better location for a first date could exist."

"Really?" I turn towards William.

"I would never lie to you."

"I know that our date just started, but already I can hardly hold myself from kissing you. I- I love you, I just wanted to tell you that before the date ended. I know I would end up procrastinating so I-" I quickly stop him from going on and swiftly kiss him. When I was about to pull back, William finally unfreezes and tugs be closer to him. There were no electrical sparks but the kiss was still magical. We both had no one to compare the kiss to, but we didn't need to either.

Pulling back out of breath, I rest my forehead against his, " I love you too".

The rest of the date flew by. After eating, William directed me to the left of the picnic. Covering my eyes with his hands, he brought us near a lake. You could see the cliff looking up on the right. We swam for abit after waiting an hour, which we spent trying to catch fireflies. All to soon, we were back at the cave, dressed in our PJs.

A smile was permanently set onto our faces. I don't know about William, but I do know that I won't be sleeping tonight.

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