The date

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Williams pov

I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to wait anymore. I mean, that I still would've if Lia wasn't over the idiot yet, but she is. I'm not like all the guys Lucy reads about in her books, I'm not gonna wait until lucy gets swept of her feet by someone else!

I can't explain how delighted I was when, she said yes. Though, i was extremely content, I couldn't help but be worried. I don't even know what do for the date! I have no experience other than from reading books!

So with this mind set, I started walking. Hoping I would be able to create the perfect date.

As I was on my journey, I happened to realize something. I realized that I was doing this all wrong! A perfect date for my Lia doesn't have to be spectacular! Lucy loves the small details in things!

I just hope she's love the small details I plan out for her...

Lucys pov

"No!, no, no, definitely no!" I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GOOD TO WEAR! Oh Mavis! What am I going to wear?!

I clutch my head in despair. I've gonethrough My entire set of outfits I have in the cave! (The cave has a suitcases in a corner. Two packed with Williams clothing, and two with Lucy's)

I continue to sulk over this mini disaster. How am I supposed to impress William if I have nothing to wear! As my train of thought flows, I remember how comfortable I am with willy. I never really have to worry about how I look with him. I know he won't judge me, or leave me.

So, I decide to wear something Comfortable yet acceptable. It really sucks that, I have no idea what is going to be in the date. Knowing the destination would totally help me get ready.

I end up wear black leggings, an long sleeve aqua coloured shirt that is 'ripped' on the arms, and a blue net scarf around my neck. I grab my makeup and accessory kit from inside my first suitcase. I wear a black, tear shaped necklace. The only makeup I have on is mascara, and Chapstick...if that counts.

I'm finally ready! I smile at myself in the mirror near me, praying that this date will go smoothly.

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