"She couldn't have left here, we all would have noticed."

"I know but her and Joe already have problems. I don't want them fighting tonight."

"They won't"

I frown and burry my face in his chest, holding him close to me. Nick begins to rock us side to side as the countdown begins.

"10... 9... 8..."

Picking up my head I look up at Nick with a smile but something catches my eye; Genesis talking to Niall. They were getting closer to each other but it was too late.

"2... 1... Happy New Year!"

Nicks lips crashed onto mine and my eyes automatically closed.

"Happy New Year babe, I look forward to being your husband this year"

"And I look forward to being your wife"

Caught up in the moment I kiss Nick again but feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Happy New Years!" a now lonely Niall smiles at me

"Niall!" I yell "Happy New Years!"

I hug him close looking over his shoulder but there was no sign of Gen anywhere.

"Sorry I couldn't say hi earlier I was busy catching up with some lads."

"Oh no that's fine! We can talk any other day"

"Alright I'll see you around" the blonde boy said walking away from me

I felt everyone start coming over to me, watching as we hugged one another on-by-one. To my surprise Zac ended up showing up a few minutes after midnight along with his close friends Ashley and Martin who were all very welcoming as we hit the dance floor.

There was still no sign of Genesis or Joe until I saw them lounging with Taylor and Estefania; so I sat with them. I was all smiles until I looked over at my sisters bruised arm.

Joe stands up casually leaving us and I scoot closer to her.

"What's this?" I poke her

"Oww, nothing"

"Did he hit you?"

"Joe wouldn't-"

"Here" Nick says handing me a drink and Joe returning sooner than expected.

I had to figure out what was going on.


Nick's POV

"Here I'll help you with those" Joe says as I run into him

"Oh thanks"

I was carrying about four drinks so he really was a big help as I reached Carolina again.

"Here" I say handing her a Cosmo

“Thanks” she said standing up “Can we go?” she whispers before drinking the Cosmo in one sip

“You okay?”

She shakes her head and we both wave at everyone as we try to make our way out of the club.

“Leaving so soon?” Zac says with Ashley around him.

“Yeah, it’s been real fun man but we’re a bit tired.” I say

“Thanks for everything!” Carolina smiles “See you soon?”

“Yeah maybe around the set for mine and Taylors movie, I’ll call you guys” Zac waves

Thankfully nothing else got in the way of us heading out except for the paparazzi outside but “Robsten” was also exiting at the same time we were taking up their attention.

 “Thank god” I say under my breath



We have stopped all promo, touring and I was actual very happy to take a deep break from everything and just focus on the wedding.

The bridesmaid’s dresses were already in and being shipped; how do I even know this? The wedding was really getting to me now; I mean it was all we talked about.

“Did you ever talk to Burberry about your suit?” Carolina asks randomly one night

“Umm I did, and it’s almost done.”

“Phew. Okay. All we need is my dress then.”

“Just little details” I chuckle

“You still haven’t told me where you bought our house”

“That’s a surprise remember”

“Oh you suck”

“You’re gonna say that when you see your Valentine’s day gift”

“What! I thought we agreed we weren’t doing gifts this year?”

“Hey I never agreed!!”


“You still have a few days to get me something” I smile “You know maybe something that’s free”

I move her closer to me on the bed and she shakes her head.

“No, no, no. We promised to-“

“I know and I regret it” I whine

“Three more months”

We both lean in for a kiss but then the yelling begins down the hall. Who knows when those two will ever stop fighting. 


haha, thought id add in some 1D action since i actually did meet perrie the other day and gotta say everyone in little mix is super nice and talanted! sorry i know the chapter was corny and long but yolo

dresses are as follows (incase you were wondering how everyone looked)

1. Estefania

2. Carolina

3. Genesis

4. Laura

5. Valerie

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