chapter 8 training

Start from the beginning

Queen Twister: how do you know if this? And what children possess such power

Sage ignitus: if you have forgotten already, you remember the day of the tournament when we came last time

Queen orca: *my eyes widen* no!

Sage Evergreen: your majesty-

Queen orca: no this is insane you expect me to believe my daughter is one of those so called chosen ones and you want her to get involved within a war!? All that time you old draconians spent in that mountain must have clearly affected your mental health!

Sage ignitus: you saw just as much as everyone else that they are special

Sage Evergreen: we know you saw how the aura around them made the shapes of the dragons, as much as you want to deny it you cannot keep your daughter from her destiny

Queen orca: this meeting is over *stands up*

King firestorm: orca-

Queen orca: no, I will have my army protect my city and my daughter will take no part in this *storms off*

Sage Evergreen: …what do we do now ignitus?

Sage ignitus: *sighs* find the others if they can be convinced for now, i'll think of what else to do, return to Quake and Willow while I try convincing the other Dragonborn

Sage Evergreen: understood *walks out*

Sage ignitus: and I bid you all farewell your majestys *bows* protect the kingdoms at all costs *walks out with evergreen*

*Later that day Ash and Thunder were both doing target practice next to his dad's mechanic shop*

Ash: ever since the news I haven't heard shit from Quake or Willow, something must have happened

Thunder: Willow I'm sure is fine and Quake…eh?

Ash: *smacks him on the back of the head* 

Thunder: ow! Hey you saw the video of his ass getting beat, he is strong but not that strong

Ash: … *growls and I blast a fire ball knocking one of the glass bottles we set up off of the desk* this is fucking bullshit!

Thunder: *sighs*

Ash: my friends could be dead or in danger and I can't do shit! Agh!! *I shoot fire from my mouth out of frustration*

Sage Ignitus: *I redirect her fire into the air so she wouldn't burn anything* 

Ash: huh? Oh it's you, how the hell did you do that and what do you want this time

Sage ignitus: advanced skill, and I'm here to bring you both back

Ash: fat chance old man, i'm not in the mood for your cryptic bullshit right now, I have to find my friends

Sage ignitus: they are safe, they are at our temple after we rescued them from the Oni

Thunder: Oni?

Sage ignitus: there is much to explain, now are you coming or not

Ash: …*shrugs* fine..

Thunder: fine

Sage ignitus: stay close then, time to show you some real sage magic

*Both Ash and Thunder stood close to ignitus as he pressed his staff down on the ground and fire starts surrounding them into a spherical form and soon the flames go out but they find themselves inside of the temple*

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