He really was nosy.

Finally, he caught up to them, his breath coming in short gasps as he slowed to a stop beside them. "Hyung, Mingi" he said, his voice slightly breathless. "What's going on? You seemed in a hurry back there."

Mingi and San exchanged a quick glance, their expressions guarded. "Oh, it's nothing," Mingi said, his tone casual but his eyes betraying a hint of tension. "We just have some errands to run, that's all."


Wooyoung wasn't convinced. He could sense that there was more to the story, something they weren't telling him. "Are you sure?" he pressed, his brow furrowing with concern. "You seemed pretty rushed. Is everything okay? Did you two fail the test? Because me too, holy shit"

San hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet Wooyoung's eyes. "Yeah, the exam sucked" he said, his voice strained. "We just...have some things to take care of."

Wooyoung didn't miss the hesitation in San's voice, nor the way Mingi shifted uncomfortably beside him. His instincts told him that there was more going on than they were letting on.

Ohh why did he have to be so nosy.

But before he could press them further, Mingi interjected, his voice hurried. "We should get going," he said, glancing at San with a sense of urgency. "We don't want to be late."

With a final nod to Wooyoung, Mingi and San turned and hurried off down the hallway, their figures disappearing into the crowd. Wooyoung watched them go.

What the fuck was that.


"How the fuck do you blackmail someone?"

"Dunno, just threaten him to make his little sex affairs public"

"Do we have evidence?"

"Yoongi and him talked about it, I already told you!"

"Yeah that sounds perfect! You know why? Because Yoongi would probably love to confess that he had been getting it on with a sex worker"

"Maybe he would"

San sighed.

"Mingi, he cheated on his boyfriend, I don't think he fucking would"


The two fell quiet as they continued to follow the directions on their phone.

Mingi had set up a meeting with the sex worker, pretending to be one of his clients.
Which actually worked out pretty easily.

"Do I... I don't know, tie him up or something?"

"That seems like a tad too much"

"Right", San groaned, "So what then? Because if we actually think about it, prostitution in general is illegal"

"So? That's like the point of this?"

"Yeah, no shit, but we are meeting up with him. We called him, asking for his services. So we are participating in prostitution, which is also illegal"

"Hyung! No! I don't wanna have a threesome with you two!"

"Mingi, what the fuck! No, that's not what I meant, holy shit", San smacked the back of the youngers head, "I'm just saying that If we threaten to bring his information to the police, he could show them your call and that you have used his services"

"But I didn't?"

"How fucking dumb can you- You know what", San sighed, giving up on his explanation, "Forget it. I'll just freestyle"

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