Chapter 10: A New Home (Final Chapter)

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A splash. That's all that it took for Glowy to run outside with alarm. She saw what looked like a struggle in the water, bubbles rising to the surface. Running towards the water frantically, Glowy soon saw the hat of her father, floating in the water. She froze, tiny gasps of breath escaping her mouth. Soon, before she could panic, her father's head shot up, he was desperately gasping for air. He turned to look around a bit, before his eyes set onto his daughter. His eyes widened, and with he quickly kicked his feet towards the edge of the body of water. "Glowy!", he gasped, taking in another sharp breath. Glowy ran over towards the pool, shivering a bit. "Papa! I...I thought you...", she started. Airy rose up, quickly getting on his knees and enveloped his daughter into a hug. Glowy realized that he was shaking too, breathing heavily. "Oh my god....I thought I'd...lose you...", he mumbled, between pants. Glowy's eye closed, burying her face into her father's shoulder. She heard small sniffles coming from Airy, and she soon realized that she was starting to tear up as well.

The two just sat there, tightly embracing one another, crying and sniffling. It was a very close call, and Airy was just so happy that he thought quickly, managing to survive a disaster that would've leaved both him and his daughter devastated. Finally, Airy pulled away, looking down at his daughter with a small smile. "Thank god...", he muttered, wiping his tears, before doing the same for Glowy. She smiled back. "Are you okay, Papa...?", she quietly asked. "Y..yeah...I'm just...a little shaken....", he slowly said. Standing up, he took Glowy's hand. "Come on, pumpkin...let's...I think we should just go and relax for the rest of the and I have been through a lot...", he said. Glowy nodded, following her dad.

Liam felt his eyes slowly opening, staring at a ceiling. Wait, a wooden looking ceiling. As he was trying to adjust his surroundings, he sat up a bit, before letting out a small wince. He saw the cast covering his leg. That's when he felt like everything just...stopped for a moment. He..did Airy do this? literally tried to kill Airy, and yet he still helped him? But then he remembered Glowy, and a wave of guilt was starting to come over his body. Wait...what was he doing?! He was attempting to kill Airy, and this kid had to witness that...he was the only parental figure for her, and he tried to kill him. Liam thought back about what he said to Texty, then to the computer again...the season three contestants...he let his anger consume his entire mind. While he still was mad about Airy, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pity. He kill...the only person that Glowy had bonded with...he sighed, taking the wooden crutch, and slowly getting up from the bed.

Liam winched a bit more, as he stood on the ground. Making his way out the cabin, he looked around, seeing nobody in sight. He figured that Airy and Glowy were in the cave, so he made his way over to the place. Using his other arm to push the vines out of the way, he peeked his head through. He saw Glowy and Airy, who seemed kinda drenched, sitting on the floor of the cave. The two looked over, and Glowy immediately got up in front of her father. She was glaring at Liam, while Airy just looked a bit shocked. "Uh..", Liam muttered, but Glowy stretched her arms out. "What do you want?!", she cried. Liam realized that she was just protecting her father from earlier, and he could tell that now Glowy probably didn't trust him anymore. "Go away! Leave my Papa alone!", she said angrily. Liam took a step back, a bit of shock on his face. "Glowy...", Airy started, looking down at her.

"Go! Get out!", she shouted. Liam said nothing, deciding to just step out. Frowning, he was unsure of what to do. He soon heard Airy quietly saying something to Glowy. She seemingly argued back, before he heard Airy raise his voice a bit. "Just stay here. I'll be okay..." Soon the vines parted, and Airy was out of the cave, walking towards Liam. Unsure of what to do, Liam stared at the coated man with alert eyes. "Uh...look...I'm sorry about her...", he started. Liam looked back down at his leg, before looking back at Airy's face, a little bit of a glare in his eyes. "Why did you put this cast on me? Why did me?! I tried to kill you!", he cried. "Uh...I figured you'd need some help...", Airy simply said. Liam huffed a bit, finding this a bit unbelievable. "I...I literally tried to kill you....", he mumbled.

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