Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Thing A Parent Could Hear

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A few months had passed, and Airy was now teaching Glowy how to walk. Sitting in the grass outside the cabin on a sunny day, Airy held Glowy's arms up, having her stand on the ground. She was wobbling a bit, trying to be steady. " try to take a step, dear. You got this..", Airy said, smiling down at her patiently. Glowy started to raise one of her feet, bringing it in front of her, taking a step. Then she did this with the other foot. Then again, and again. Airy smile grew, seeing that she was now getting the hang of it. "Okay...I'm going to let go..Let's see if you can walk without my help..", he said, and soon enough, removed his hands from her arms.

Glowy tried to walk, stumbling a bit. Airy watched her carefully, ready to catch her if she fell. Glowy continued to try and walk, but her legs eventually gave out, nearly falling onto the ground. Airy gasped a bit, and quickly reached his arms out to catch her. He sighed with relief, bringing her close to him. Glowy was looking up at her father with a little frown, almost as if it seemed even she was disappointed that she couldn't walk yet. Airy stroked her head, gently smiling down at her. "It's okay, tried, and that's all that matters...we can always try again, okay?", he said. Glowy seemed to understand, smiling up at him a little.

Later, Airy was working on the computer once more, after feeding Glowy. The planet was a lot bigger now than it was before. Airy stopped looking at the computer, turning his head to glance at the planet, smiling. He was proud of how far he had managed to make progress on this thing. He then looked over at Glowy, who was sitting on the floor near him, tapping the cave floor with her little hands. There was another thing that Airy was trying to teach Glowy, and that was talking. He had been trying to get her to say something for the past few days, but it wasn't easy. Glowy could obviously make noises, but they were more of babbling than actual talking.

He stoop up from his chair, going over to where Glowy was, picking her up. He then sat back down, letting her look at the planet. "Impressive...isn't it?", he asked, looking down at her. Glowy stared at the planet for awhile. "This is a planet, Glowy. Can you say planet? Here, say it with me, plan-et...plaaaaaan eeeet...", he said slowly, stretching out the word. Glowy just looked away from the planet, glancing at the cave's walls instead. Airy sighed a little, babies weren't very easy to impress, were they?

He shook his head, smiling, deciding that that was enough computer work for today. He got up, exiting the cave, now entering his cabin. He set Glowy down onto his bed, sitting down near the small unfinished wooden crib-like bed. He had started working on it for the past few days, and he was nearly finished with it, even though he really should've worked on it much earlier. "You excited for your new bed, honey?", he asked, looking over at Glowy, who was watching him. "Soon you won't have to sleep on a bunch of reeds on the floor..." Looking back over, he noticed that he was out of sap, which he used as glue. He sighed, getting up, starting out the door. "Papa will be back, pumpkin..", he said.

"", he suddenly heard, making him stop in his tracks. He turned around, looking at Glowy with a shocked face. "Gl...Glowy? Did you just..", he started, stepping away from the door.

Glowy reached her arms out towards him, sitting up a bit. "Pa! Papa!", she said, smiling. Airy slowly walked over to her, tears starting to form in his eyes. He couldn't believe it, she was talking! She had finally said her first word! And it was him! He picked up Glowy, cradling her against his chest, smiling. "Yes, pumpkin! Yes, I'm papa!", he exclaimed, laughing, tears of joy slowly falling down his cheeks. He bounced her up and down, Glowy laughing in his arms. Airy couldn't believe this. He had never felt this happy in his life!

Well, Glowy may not know how to walk yet, but she finally said something! Hurrah!!

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