Chapter 7: Injured

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This one takes place during ONE ep 8, and Glowy is now 10 in this chapter, and she will be from now on in the next chapters. Oh, and TW: Mentions and depictions of blood

Airy sighed as he sat down on the logs near his fire pit. He watched Glowy as she was sitting down in the grass, a few feet away from him. He smiled, watching her look around at the ground below her. He still couldn't get over the fact that she was now ten years old. It really felt like it was just yesterday when he first found her in the forest. He remembered when he first held her in his arms. She was so small, and now he was amazed at how big she had gotten. Ten years really felt like they flew by quickly.

Glowy picked something up, and walked over to her father, sitting down next to him. Airy smiled as she looked over at him with a grin on her face. "What's that?", he asked, looking down at her hands. There was a small flower in her hand, which gripped onto it firmly, but gently as well. It was a mix of pink and purple. Glowy smiled, handing it to him. "For you, Papa!", she said. Airy smiled, as he took the flower into his hand, looking at it before turning his gaze back to his daughter. "Thank you...what's this for?", he asked. "For being the best dad in the world, of course!", Glowy exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. "I love you so much, papa!" Airy's eyes widened a little, but he quickly put his arm around her shoulder, chuckling. "Awww...thank you pumpkin...I love you too...", he said, planting a kiss into her hair.

The two sat in silence, before Airy looked up, and over to the cave. He figured that he'd need to get back onto the computer, and more importantly, his show ONE. After accidently crushing the season 1 contestants, Airy made it a priority that the second season would be even better. He learned how to bring people back to life, so now in case anybody died on accident, he could revive them, and continue his show. He currently had to eliminate one of the contestants, or more precisely, Backpack.

"I gotta go and continue my show, you can stay out here if you want..", Airy said, getting up. Glowy nodded, watching as her dad walked to the cave entrance, still clutching the flower in his hand. He disappeared behind the vines covering the cave, and soon she looked around the place, wondering what to do now. As she listened to the birds chirping, she felt a bit bored, and didn't feel like playing outside any longer, so she decided to go into the cabin. Getting up, she made her way over as she stared at the waterfall. Glowy walked over to her bed, which was now a lot bigger than it was before. After she turned seven, Airy reworked the bed, so that it would fit her size. Tini was still there, resting on the reeds covering the bed. She sat down, picking up the doll, staring at it for awhile.

Glowy still liked playing around with Tini, although not as much as she used to. Since she was getting older, she wasn't really that interested in playing with her doll, but she still kept it with her, and slept with it, because it was pretty much the only toy she had. Plus, it was made by her father, so of course she would cherish it, and appreciate it. She sighed, placing the doll back down, turning her head towards the table. She didn't see the cassette player, and then she remembered, oh yeah, her dad dropped it onto the plane by accident, causing it to break. He couldn't get it back, which Glowy felt a bit disappointed about, since the music from it often helped her sleep at night. She was so used to seeing it sometimes lying on the table, that it struck her as odd for a second or two when it wasn't there.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a sudden cry of pain, and she shot her head up, eyes widened. That....that was her father! Panic set in as she dashed out the cabin, staring ahead of the cave in front of her. Without wasting anytime, she quickly ran over to the entrance, pulling the vines out of the way. "Papa? Pap-PAPA!!", she cried, gasping at the sight ahead of her, covering her mouth with both of her hands.

Airy was on the floor, moaning in pain, his head staring down at the floor of the cave. One of his arms were shakenly holding him up, while the other one was covering part of his face. He looked up, and Glowy could see blood dripping down from behind the hand that was covering one of his eyes. Small tears were forming in his other eye, he had the look of horror on his face as he saw the terrified look on his daughter's face. Glowy quickly ran over, kneeling down, placing her hands, one on his back, and the other on his face. "Papa, what happened?! Are you alright?!", she cried, now starting to feel tears well up in her eyes. She's never seen her father get injured badly before.

"'s okay..", he reassured, before letting out another whimper from his injury. Glowy helped her father up, before taking him out of the cave. Airy was still covering his eye, and she felt scared just seeing the blood dripping down onto the ground. She's seen blood a few times before, when she was a lot younger, she pricked her fingers on thorns a couple of times. It wasn't anything major, but the sight of this was making her tense up. The two walked into the cabin, Airy sat down onto his bed, and Glowy quickly ran out, towards the cave once again. She ripped off several vines, running back, and towards her dad.

"Here...", she said, standing in front of him, showing him the vines. Airy looked down, understanding what she was trying to do. He reluctantly moved his hand away from his eye, causing Glowy to scream out, seeing just how bad his eye was injured. It was probably the most horrifying thing she'd ever seen. Airy quickly rested a hand on her shoulder, gently patting it in an attempt to help calm her down. "'s okay, pumpkin...I'm okay...", he reassured again, hating how upset she currently was. The tears were now streaming down Glowy's cheeks, she sniffled as she handed him a vine. He started wrapping it around his face, taking another one. Glowy also helped, tying a few of them around.

After his face was patched up, Glowy wrapped her arms around her father, small hiccups coming out of her mouth. "What happened, Papa?", she tearfully asked. Airy sighed, putting his arms around her, rubbing her back. "When I was about to eliminate one of the contestants...I felt myself slip...and...well....yeah...", he explained, looking down. "Hey...shhhhh, it's okay honey...don't cry...I'll be okay..." Glowy looked back up at him, sniffling. " should rest...", she said, pulling away. Airy stared at the floor, not sure if he should oblige. He had to get back and eliminate Backpack, and continue working on the show. But he knew his daughter was right, and he didn't want to worry her any further, so he nodded. "Alright...I'll just stay here until this eventually heals...", he said, laying down onto his bed. " least until it stops hurting.."

Glowy watched her father lay flat on the bed, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "Can..can I get you anything?", she asked. Airy looked over, smiling gently. "'s okay, dear. I don't need anything right now...I suppose I'll just take...a nap..", he said, looking back up at the ceiling. Glowy nodded, then going towards the table, picking up a basket. She then started making her way to the door. "Where are you going?", Airy asked, getting a little concerned. She turned back around, while standing at the doorway. "Since you really can't do much...I thought I'd go and collect some reeds...", she explained, causing Airy to sit up a bit, worry on his face. "No! I know the risks of crossing the board, right?", he cried.  Glowy set down the basket, walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Papa, I'll be okay..", she said, but Airy shook his head. "No, you could slip, or...get injured from the rocks can't do that..", he argued. "Please! I'll be extra careful! Really, I'll be okay!", she argued back, pouting.

"I said no! I...I just don't want you to get hurt...", he said, getting quiet. Glowy sighed, before looking at him with sad eyes. "Papa...pleeeeeeaaasse?", she said. Airy sighed, biting his lip a bit. He hated it when she did that, it was almost impossible to say no to that. He groaned, before reaching out of his hand, resting it on her shoulder. "Okay...fine...but promise me you'll be careful?", he asked. Glowy smiled a little, nodding. Airy patted her shoulder, before she went back to the door, picking up the basket.

For the next few months, Airy stayed in bed, resting to recover, while Glowy did most of the chores, except for the computer, since she knew nothing on how to work it. She also brought him food, and water. Finally, on the seventh month, Airy sat up, now feeling a lot more better than he had before. He walked over to Glowy, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you for everything, pumpkin...", he said, smiling, planting a kiss on her forehead. She smiled back, and watched as he let go, starting to walk towards the cave. "Now...I got a show to continue...", he said, chuckling. Glowy giggled, walking back to the cabin.

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