Chapter 9: Rising Conflicts

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Hey, sorry that this story didn't get updated any sooner, but now I'm here to bring the new chapter!

Liam sat still on the pile of reeds, not saying a word. It was raining outside, and the sky was all gray. Airy was already gone, most likely in the cave. He looked to the side, watching Glowy as she laid in the bed, hearing her soft breathing as she slept. She had her doll clutched to her side. Liam had to admit, she looked pretty peaceful sleeping like that. He just wondered if she was even aware that what her so-called "father" was doing was bad. What if she knew, but Airy was keeping her quiet about it, or was he possibly even manipulating her?

Liam shook his head, realizing that he was probably overthinking too much. No, maybe he was wrong. Maybe Airy wasn't as bad as he thought he was. Maybe he genuinely was taking good care of her. Airy didn't seem to have any malicious intention when he told her to go back to the cabin when he was confronted, perhaps it was just genuine protection. Resting one of his hands on his forehead, Liam took another glance at Glowy, before looking down at the ground. "Hey..", a voice suddenly cut into his mind, causing him to look up. It was just Airy standing by the doorway, he was holding an axe in his hands. "Uh...yeah?", Liam asked, a little nervous. "I'm going to get some wood..can you...keep an eye on Glowy while I'm gone?", he asked. Liam looked over at her, before back to Airy. "Uh...sure..", he nodded. "Okay...", was all the long-haired man said, walking away.

Liam waited awhile, before standing up a bit. He knew Airy wanted him to watch Glowy, but she was still sleeping. It wasn't like she was going anywhere anytime soon, and besides, it didn't seem like anything dangerous was outside. Plus, this was his chance to finally go onto the computer while Airy wasn't around, so he had no time to waste. Taking one last glance at the sleeping child, he dashed out the door, looking around. Airy wasn't in sight. Good. He ran towards the cave, pushing the vines out of the way. He made his way towards the computer, staring at the planet. Looking closer, he could see Bryce, Scenty, and the other remaining contestants on there. Bringing his face to the microphone, he was about to say something, when something caught his eye. The computer screen. Looking over at it, he gasped when he saw what looked like the website, with the profile of....someone named Alice Howling...? Wait...oh no...

He started clicking through next, seeing other people show up, not anyone he really knew. Oh god, the page said season three...Airy was going to make these people go through the same thing he and the others had to go through...'', Liam thought to himself, but then gasped a little when he saw Owen's picture pop up. After a few seconds, Liam felt like something snapped inside of him. This...this was the final straw...

Glowy's eyes slowly opened, she blinked a few times, before sitting up. Letting go of Tini, she stretched her arms, letting out a yawn. She looked around, noticing that her father, and Liam wasn't in the cabin with her. She assumed her father was probably working again, and Liam was doing something outside. She got out of her bed, before seeing something run by the doorway. She blinked a bit, before realizing that it was that man, Liam who had just ran by. She managed to get a glimpse at his face, he seemed...angry? Why was he angry? Was he still mad at her father or something? Getting worried, Glowy stepped outside, seeing his figure getting smaller as he disappeared into the woods. Glowy could feel the drops of rain falling onto her head. She knew her father warned her not to stand out in the rain for too long, but she was too curious on where Liam was going, so she soon followed.

Walking through the woods, she could hear the sound of yelling once again. Getting behind a tree once she was close enough, she peeked around, she saw Liam and her father, who was on the ground? Wait, did he push him onto the ground? Growing more concerned, Glowy listened to Liam, as she shouted at Airy, something about a guy named Owen and people being on the computer. She was confused, not knowing what he could be talking about. She then saw Liam bend down, and pick up the axe. That's when her eyes widened, when she saw him starting to approach Airy, who was slowly backing away. Oh no, was he going to kill her dad?! She gasped as he took a swung with the axe, missing Airy. Glowy felt small tears starting to form in her eyes, she couldn't just stand there any longer and watch this.

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