Chapter 5: Fun and Games

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This one takes place a few years later, Glowy is now six in this chapter

Airy was laying down on his bed, sleeping soundly, when he suddenly felt something jumping on him. His eyes shot awake, letting out an 'Ack' noise. Glowy was jumping on his stomach area, with an excited look on her face. "Papa! Wake up! Wake up!", she shouted, waving her arms around. Airy gagged, gritting his teeth from the impact. "Okay, okay! I'm up! Just stop jumping on my stomach!", he cried, in which Glowy got off of him. He sat up, rubbing the sore spot, groaning. He then looked over at Glowy, with a stern expression on his face. "Young lady, don't you ever do that again..that hurts!", he said, shaking his head. Glowy had a guilty look on her face, and she looked down at the ground in shame. "I..I'm sorry, Papa...", she said, frowning. Airy sighed, getting out of bed. "It's fine...just don't do that again...", he said, stretching his arms. "Now..what'd you wake me up for?", he asked, yawning. "You forgot? Papa, you were finally going to let me pick reeds with you!", Glowy exclaimed.

Airy eyes widened a little. Oh yeah, that's right, he promised last week that Glowy could come and pick reeds with him. For the last few years, whenever Airy went to collect reeds, he'd always keep Glowy back at the cabin, telling her to stay there. He was just afraid that Glowy might've slipped on the board and fall, especially since there were some sharp rocks down below. The last thing he wanted was...well, he'd rather not think about it. He sighed, already a bit nervous. "Yes...that's right. Alright, lemme get the basket, and then we'll go...", he said. Glowy nodded, running outside. Airy walked over to his table, picking up the basket, and walking out the door. "Okay, let's go, dear...", he said, and she soon followed. The two made their way up the stony platform, Airy making sure that Glowy was close to him.

As they made it toward the river with the waterfall, Airy suddenly grabbed Glowy's hand, causing her to look up at him. "I...I just want to make sure you don't careful, honey, okay?", he asked with caution, and Glowy nodded. The two walked across the board, Airy squeezing his hand a little on Glowy's. Once they successfully made it across, he let go, now stepping into the dirty water towards the reeds. Glowy smiled, jumping around in the water. "Okay...see these cattails? This is what you need to do...", Airy explained, grabbing one, and snapping the stem part off. "Then put it in the basket, that's all you need to do..", he said, placing it into the basket. Glowy nodded, making her way over to the reeds. She put her arms around them, tugging on them. She grunted a bit, trying to break them off. "Do you need help?", Airy asked, but she quickly shook her head. "No, I can do this, Papa!", she said, determined.

With another loud grunt, she pulled one off, and held it in her hands. She then snapped the cattail off, putting the stem into the basket. She then looked back at the cattail, scratching it a little. She 'oohed', seeing the fluff coming out. She then pulled more of the fluff out, and threw it all over the place, giggling. Airy stopped pulling reeds, looking over and seeing cattail fluff getting everywhere in the water. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Pumpkin, don't get too distracted. You can do that after we're done, okay?", he said, causing Glowy to stop. "Okay, Papa..", she said, going back to the reeds. For the next few minutes, Glowy and Airy added piles and piles of reeds into the basket, way more that Airy could've accomplished in one day. He looked down, satisfied. "Okay, I think this is enough, let's go back..", he said, starting to make his way towards the board. Glowy took a cattail piece, before following her father. She wanted to play around with the fluff later. The two crossed the board, Airy once again holding onto his daughter's hand.

Once they got back down, Glowy looked down at her drenched clothes. While Airy only got his boots and pants soaked, she was a lot smaller, so her shirt and skirt were soaked with dirty water. "Eugh!", she said, and Airy looked over. "We can wash those...", he said, walking over to a pool of water, which was much more cleaner. "I've got some other clothes for you anyway, there in the cabin.", he said, pointing over. Without wasting time, Glowy ran into the cabin, finding the extra clothes in the corner of the room. She took them, then going back out. She changed into the dryer ones, giving her soaked ones to Airy, who placed them into the water. "Why don't you go and play? I'll get these clean and then dry them out..", he said. Glowy nodded, running back to the cabin, climbing into her bed and grabbing her doll.

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