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8th October 2007

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8th October 2007. Port Venston

The storm raged on as I stood fragile and trembling on the doorstep of Minho's house. Even amidst the chaos, there was an unsettling calm surrounding his house. It was supposed to be surrounded by a flourishing garden, but it had turned into an untamed wilderness: The once meticulously manicured lawn has become a chaotic mix of unruly grasses and wildflowers. The flowerbeds that once shone with bright colors are now bare and devoid of life, overshadowed by equally untamed weeds that hang their heads under the weight of the water crashing onto it.

It was similar to the darkness that had overshadowed my existence and now seemed to extend far beyond my own confinement. I had become accustomed to pretending, lying and allowing other people to trample on my personality. 

I didn't know if the person Hyunjin even existed. There was only Sam. Church Sam, community work Sam. Clubbing and hip Sam. The Sam you could call at any time of day, and even if he didn't want to, if his house was on fire or his mom was dying, he couldn't say no to picking up your drunk ass.

 25 years of that experience weighed on my shoulders. The world itself had become sick and twisted, reflecting the prison of my own mind that I had been taught. The exterior of the house, once a beautiful sight, gave off an air of sadness and decay. It looked like the castle of a widowed, cruel queen. Rainwater trickled from the roof and seeped into the cracks, leaving damp traces and causing the building to age further.

And yet it was captivating. Like heaven on earth. Because I knew what was hidden behind these walls. I could start philosophizing about how Minho was just like the house he lived in. Aside from the fact that he looked stunning, it was his ugly words, like the white paint that once adorned the red brick wall was now peeling and hanging like 2-day-old makeup. 

I was not afraid. I'm sure the shivering was from the cold.

I wanted a chance to be redeemed, to understand the true nature of the world. And there, in the darkest corner of my mind, I found solace in Minho's offer. A twisted offer for sure, but one that promised me betterment. I took a deep breath and knock on the door.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. 

I counted and prayed he would open. 

Four seconds, five seconds. 

"I'm sorry the owners of the house aren't here right now, but I can pass on a message..." I was met by Minho's gaze — cold and not amused. "You..."

Water-soaked curls stuck to my skin and I hastily tried to get them out of my face. "It's cold..." I say, silently pleading for him to let me in once more. 

The corners of his mouth twisted into a mirthless smile. "I told you not to... ugh." Minho leaned his forehead against the door, his jaw working till a vein showed on his neck. "Why, God, why..."

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