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first of all thank you so so much for 1k already?!
like hello?? how?? when??

8th October 2007

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8th October 2007. Port Venston

It's never been this bad. I used to be in control. Now Judas was fighting his way back into every corner of my consciousness. I thought I had banished him, kept him at bay, hidden away from the world. But now he's back with a vengeance, tormenting me. I could hardly recognize the man I was.

We were chosen to help Hyunjin. They would never understand the mission. "Listen, Judas," I say through clenched teeth. "I can't feel responsible for all of them, there are at least twenty other souls in that holy room. Who either don't belong there or are crying out for help." So what?

"What am I supposed to do about it? They don't see that what I'm doing is for the good. The second they catch on I'm dead. DEAD. You hear me?" I could barely hear myself over the rain crashing onto my umbrella, pounding on my back like it was trying to break through the surface of my raincoat. 

Thank you, Fletcher, really. Punish me for something I clearly didn't do in my right mind. Hyunjin was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But was I sure I would never hurt him? Could I really guarantee that I wouldn't corrupt his body and soul with my own touch? Simple answer: no, I couldn't. Judas took up most of the space under the umbrella, leaving my right eye soaked. If you love God, you will keep my commandments. "Well, I'll try."

Too engrossed in the conversation, I didn't notice the large puddle forming in front of me. I stepped right into it. Loafers were no substitute for wellies – the muddy water that crept into my shoes and soaked the fabric of my socks showed me that. I closed my eyes but didn't stop walking. A curse boiled on my tongue, but I kept my mouth shut. I must have done something to deserve all this.

Isn't that right, God? Judas looked up at the heavy gray ceiling looming over us and smiled. You shall not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.

"Well, this may be news to you, but I am a human being living in the society of this planet." This was in stark contrast to the man, the demon, the pest who was there or not, depending on his mood. But above all, he made my life difficult just because he enjoyed it.

You're trying to cleanse Hyunjin, aren't you? I didn't answer. My mind was blank, except for the image of the angel that was still locked in my attic. 

He was breathtaking. His appearance had the same effect on me as the smell of new books or a perfectly crafted origami crane. Which, to be honest, anyone would think, at least that's what I assumed. But it was the sinner in him that really tore me apart. A dark desire stirred within me that I could no longer ignore.

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