(GN) Ch. 84 - Sisters

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Kiera POV

"Katherine." I spun to face her, steadying my breaths.

"I thought you were dead. It's a shame you somehow survived."

"Good to see you too." I turned from her, placing the necklaces around my neck, and walked as fast as I could out of town. I didn't have the strength to deal with her. Rage was bubbling inside me. Seeing her face and hearing her condescending voice, I knew I did truly want to kill her.

'She isn't family.' Athena spoke darkly, already ramping up for a fight.

'I know she doesn't care for us. I can't harm her, Athena. I owe our parents that much.'

'She dragged us into the stocks, humiliated you to all our pack, and I know she tried to have us killed more than once.'

'I know Athena, please just leave her be. No matter how vile she is, she is still my little sister.'

'She is not our family!' Athena said again.

I know it's true, but we grew up together, lived in the same house, and were raised by the same parents. Thinking of my mom and dad, I knew how disappointed they would be that we were at odds.

'They would only be disappointed in her, their little offspring of evil.' Athena tried to comfort me, but she didn't understand human emotions or our weird loyalty to family, even family that wasn't blood.

"Trying to escape so quickly. Do you have something to hide?" Katherine caught up to me just as I hit the open snow-covered land outside town. It was another ten minutes to the barracks, but I didn't want her to know where I was staying or my plans. She would probably sabotage them just because it was me planning them.

"Katherine, we are prisoners of the North, our pack completely dismantled and no Alpha to rule us. Why don't we just keep our distance from each other and try to survive?"

"You don't look like a prisoner. I don't know any of the people from the South that can wander freely into town." She crossed her arms and glared at me.

"That is true, Katherine. How is it that you are here?"

"I made a friend in high places, more than one actually. Who have you been manipulating to get these freedoms?"

"I'm not manipulating anyone. I'm not you." I turned from her and began walking towards the pack house. I bet she was acting as a best friend to Elizabeth. She probably even knows about the Alphas and me too. Katherine would swoop in on Elizabeth's broken heart, make her forget her sadness, and convince her to do her bidding.

"My big sister always thought she was so much better than me. I don't know how you survived, but next time, I'll make sure you're dead."

"Dead." I spun back around to meet her eye-to-eye. "You really do want me dead? I never bothered you, Katherine. Never got in your way or tried to hurt you."

"You took everything that was meant to be mine. My parents, my friends, even my future as a Luna." I could see the deep-rooted hatred in her eyes, all fueled by envy. She was the reason I never wanted to be a jealous person. It's does crazy things to your mind.

My eyebrows raised at her. "Luna? You wanted Jackson?" Seeing the look on her face when I spoke his name, I knew it was true. I laughed at her ridiculousness. "Well, I rejected him, so he is all yours now. You two would make a good pair." Athena growled at her; the mentioning of his name stirred up old memories I tried burying.

"He is worthless after what you did. My desires are set much higher now, and I won't have you ruining my life again. You got all the praise of my parents, the friendship of our Beta and Alpha, and you were too stupid to keep any of it. They are all dead now, and that is because of you."

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