(GN) Ch. 85 - Menace

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Drake POV

"This fucking wolf!" I shouted, frustration boiling over. I wasn't in the mood to chase her down. My wolf growled in response, relishing the challenge as I shifted.

"Find her and bring her to my study. It's time Kiera learned who her Alphas are," River growled, his gaze fixed on Athena, whose vibrant red fur seemed to blaze like fire as she disappeared into the woods.

"Try not to die, brother," Chase taunted with a sly smile, kneeling beside my wolf form. His hand came to my back, and I snapped at it in irritation. "When she guts you for trying to manhandle her, I'll be right here to comfort her. Don't worry," he added, winking at me. This time, I snapped at his face. Chase was annoying.

I took off in the same direction she disappeared, relying on my senses and our mate bond to guide me to her. Flashes of her fur shone through the thick trees, and Demetrius grew more and more excited as I continued the chase. He liked this game, the thrill of the hunt fueling his every move.

"Almost got you, little wolf," I snickered mentally, surprised when Athena responded. She could mind link with me.

"Back off! I'll warn you only once," her deep and commanding voice reverberated through the air.

"Why would I leave a pretty little thing like you all alone?" Demetrius' words were punctuated by a playful growl, his excitement palpable, but Athena wasn't amused.

In a sudden halt, she turned to face me, the tension thick in the air. Charging full speed, I hesitated, unsure if I could halt my momentum. Just as I closed in, the devil wolf veered to the side, sinking her teeth into my flesh and ripping away a chunk of fur.

A howl of agony tore from my throat as adrenaline surged through my veins.

Standing unsteady, pain radiating from my wounded side, I growled, but Athena met my gaze with fierce determination, matching my growl with her own defiance.

'I will hurt you." She warned.

'You already have, little wolf. I won't be taking this lightly either. I'm tired of you slashing and biting at us whenever you have a little tantrum.' My voice was filled with anger, and she knew I wasn't playing anymore.

'This isn't a tantrum. This is a woman wanting to be left alone from her damn stalkers. Leave us be, or I'll aim for your throat next.' Athena lowered her body like she was ready to pounce.

"I'd like to see you try and take me down," I growled defiantly, launching myself at her. Our paws clashed, claws shredding flesh as we grappled, tumbling dangerously close to the cliff's edge.

"Stop!" I shouted, momentarily loosening my hold, but Athena seized the opportunity to strike. Her jaw clamped down on my neck, eliciting another agonized howl from deep within me. Athena got me right in the jugular, and if she bit down just a centimeter more, my life would be over.

'Now back off,' she demanded, but her voice was tinged with sadness, waves of pain emanating from her. In my fury, I couldn't grasp her emotional turmoil.

"You damn menace!" I roared, launching myself at her, and we tumbled over the cliff's edge, crashing through branches and rocks until we landed on a frozen lake.

"Why can't any of you just leave me alone!" Athena's voice echoed with rage as she rose to her feet.

But before I could retaliate, I saw the crack in the ice. "Don't move!" I warned urgently.

"I'm leaving, Drake. Do. Not. Follow me!" Athena's words pierced the air, but my heart sank as I watched her turn away.

"No! The ice!" I called out desperately, but it was too late. With a sickening crack, the thin sheet gave way beneath her, and she disappeared into the frigid depths below.

"Kiera!" I bellowed her name as I shifted, my naked body sprawled on the icy surface, arms frantically searching for her wolf in the freezing water.

"Kiera! Kiera!" My shouts echoed across the desolate landscape until I spotted a flicker of movement amidst the water. Racing to her, I pounded my fist against the ice, creating a new opening.

"I'm so sorry, Kiera," I murmured, overwhelmed with guilt as I hauled her limp form from the water, her wolf drenched and encased in icy clumps.

"You're okay, you're okay," I repeated like a mantra as I carried her to solid ground. "Shift, baby, please shift," I pleaded desperately.

"Come on, Kiera! I'll let you bite me as much as you want; just shift!" My words spilled out forcefully, almost commanding. Slowly, her body began to contort and reshape, returning to her human form.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt," I pleaded, remorse flooding my words.

"You clawed at me, then threw me off a damn cliff," she retorted between harsh coughs, expelling water and mucus.

"But only after you bit me. I didn't mean for you to drown. I would never hurt you," I explained, my hands reaching for her face, relieved to see her lavender eyes filled with intense hatred.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Her voice was weary, defeated.

"I can't. I'm sorry," I confessed, feeling like my world was crumbling. Chase was right—we had to tell her the truth. She lashed out at Elizabeth out of jealousy, unable to comprehend her own attachment to us. It wasn't fair to her.

"We are only drawn to each other because the forest wants us to be. Don't you see that none of this is real? Everything in my life is just manipulation. An alpha, a friend, some dark magic— it's all just pushing me to see what they want. Let me go, Drake, and give me some damn space."

"That's not true. I swear there is more to us than some dark magic," I insisted desperately.

"Even if there was, I don't care. I just want to leave and bring my people home. I don't want to be here. I want to forget the North and everything that happened to me that fated night I found out about my husband," she spoke with anger, tears welling in her eyes.

"You want to forget me, my brothers?" I couldn't help but sound like a little kid desperate for love. Kiera meant everything to me.

"Yes, all of it!" she shouted, pushing my arms away as she began to cry into her hands. "I'm so tired," she whispered between sobs.

"What happened, doll? There's more to this than just me chasing you down in the woods," I prodded gently.

But Kiera didn't answer. She just pulled her knees into her chest and cried into them, her entire being crumbling before me. I felt utterly helpless.

A shiver ran through her body, and I knew I could at least offer her warmth. "I'll be right back, I promise," I whispered, pressing a kiss to her head before rising to my feet.

"Here, let me at least make you warm. You're shivering, doll," I said softly as I returned to her side, clothes in hand. Kiera turned to me, her head falling against my chest, hands clutching my shoulders.

Gently, I draped the shirt over her, my hand moving to her back, caressing her soft skin as she shook with tears. Holding her closer, I felt the chill of her body against mine. She was completely breaking down, and I had no idea why or what had happened.

I knew she was done though, done trying to be strong and hold everything together. I didn't want to be the person who dragged her down, yet my pride constantly got in the way, and that's exactly what I kept doing.

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