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In the quiet of the neonatal room,

you rest, a fragile whisper

of life, a tiny symphony of hope

wrapped in wires and monitors.

Your journey begins before its time,

a prelude to a tale yet untold,

your small hands reaching for the stars

as if to grasp the time you missed.

In the hush of whispered prayers,

we gather around your incubator,

each breath a tender melody,

each heartbeat a rhythm of resilience.

Memphis, name like a promise

etched in the fabric of possibility,

we watch you grow, a miracle

unfolding in slow motion.

In the shadow of uncertainty,

we find strength in your fragility,

each day a testament to the power

of love, of faith, of perseverance.

And though your path may be

a winding road, fraught with challenges,

know that you are never alone,

for in our hearts, you are home.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat