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In the quiet of a room where shadows linger, 

A story unfolds, hidden in silence. 

Once cherished in innocence,

 Teddy now carries the scars of a displaced heart.

A soft, furry guardian of untold dreams, 

Witness to a child's grasp, a tale unfolds. 

But darkness descends, fate's cruel twist, 

Teddy bears witness to a sinister turn.

Little hands, once tender, now tremble with fear, 

Shedding tears in the silence of anguish. 

In the corners where pain resides, 

Teddy stands witness to enduring sorrow.

Stitched smiles unravel, threads of despair, 

Laughter fades into silent prayer.

 In the depths of night, Teddy listens, 

Bearing the weight of a shrouded soul.

In the fabric of torment, innocence wanes, 

Teddy's plush heart breaks in silent lament. 

Once beloved, now a vessel of sorrow, 

A reluctant shadow in the dance of pain.

Teddy, bearer of profound sorrow, 

Embraced by despair, bound by grief. 

A poignant testament to silent pleas, 

In the cruel theater of pain, you stand alone.

May the somber echoes of this tale, 

Resound in hearts that heed the call.

 To speak for the voiceless, to end the silence, 

To let Teddy's truth be heard.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now