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At fifty years, the tapestry of time,
A canvas woven with threads sublime.
Friends and kin, once close and near,
Now distant echoes, whispers disappear.

A symphony of laughter, youth's sweet sound,
Now echoes faintly, memories abound.
Paths diverge, like rivers in the bend,
Friends grow apart, on life's journey wend.

The mirror reflects the changing tides,
Lines and creases, where youth abides.
A body weathered, yet a spirit strong,
A metamorphosis, where time prolongs.

Gone are the days of swift, carefree feet,
Now, each step echoes, a rhythm discreet.
The dance of years, a graceful ballet,
As time pirouettes, in a quiet display.

Yet, wisdom blooms in the age of gray,
A nuanced palette, life paints the way.
Perspective shifts, a kaleidoscope,
Revelations unfold, a renewed hope.

Embrace the change, the ebb, the flow,
At fifty, a garden, where memories grow.
For in the dance of time's embrace,
We find the beauty in every trace.

So, let the sands of time slowly sift,
As the heart finds joy in every drift.
At fifty, like a vintage wine,
Life's richness deepens, refined design.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now