12. The great encounter

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"Hey Mr, what's going on? Why were you making fun of Zoya?"

"Oh, Aisha, it's not what you think. I mean, we were just joking around, you know? It's nothing serious" Mr. Who scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Joking around? Mr, that didn't sound like a joke, Zoya was genuinely hurt" I crossed my arms unconvincedly.

I can already see him as hesitant; did I just overreact? Did I mess up again? Shit! Why do I always have to overreact? Why for god's sake can't I control myself, even for once?

"Aisha, why do you have to make a big issue out of little things, which doesn't even matter to you?" Chandrika came along while shooting me a look, but it's actually rude how Sam and this Mr. were making fun of Zoya while all she was asking for was to click some pictures.

"Chandrika, I'm not making big issues for god's sake! It's just, I'm like this and I cannot let myself see any worse happening" I said as to defend myself but still, I knew I was being a big slump by making issues out of this.

"Look, Aisha, I didn't mean to upset Zoya! It's just, sometimes we tease each other, and things get out of hand"

And now I feel terrible, I shouldn't have overreacted this much, and even this man, whom I shouted at a few seconds ago is apologetic to me? That's utterly rude of me to do this, he's trying to decipher his sincerity and I don't know but there is something in his eyes that seemed genuine, and I don't know if I had seen this man earlier in my life, but he seems to be familiar to me!

"See, I'm also sorry, umm.. I know I overreact sometimes but.. see you seem a bit familiar to me, I don't know why, but I have seen you somewhere maybe I'm wrong but"

He smiled back, and finally said "Hey it's me, Krish"

What? Oh my god! Krish? Really? He's changed a lot during these years and God knows where has he been, but like seriously? Krish? I can't believe I didn't recognize him sooner, and my behaving like this with him, makes me feel utterly terrible.

"Krish! Is it you? You've changed a lot during the past years? I mean, I couldn't get myself to the extent where I could even recognize you, I'm so sorry for behaving like this and treating you like anything, but now that I know, I feel so bad" I apologized and laughed nervously and could sense myself blushing like anything right now!

"Life gets so busy, and honestly, there's no need to apologize for not staying in touch. It just happens, you know? And about what you said earlier, don't worry, no offense taken. You mentioned I've changed a lot, but I remember the good old days when you used to tease me about looking handsome. So, what's the verdict now? Do I look terrible or something?"

"Ohh no! Of course not! You look too....ahh...umm"

"What? Terrible?"

"Oh no, like actually handsome, like you used to look earlier" I replied with a sigh of relief

"Oh god! Chill Aisha, I was just joking, plus you look extremely gorgeous" he said with a cute little smirk on his face

But I can sense myself blushing just a little too much right now!

"Agar app dono ka ho gya ho toh, can we move on with our pictures please?"

(If you both are done, so can we move on with our pictures please?"

Chandrika hooked me back to reality but right now I feel as if I can talk to him for hours, I don't know but it feels genuine while talking to him.

"Oh yeahh! you carry on Chandrika; I'll see you in a minute or two!"

"So, Aisha, now that we've finally found each other in this chaos, we should definitely catch up more often" Krish suggested with a mischievous grin on his face

"Absolutely, Krish! It's been too long since we've had a proper " I chucked a little but appreciated his light-hearted approach

"Well, how about we make a plan? Dinner, maybe? My treat" He leaned in slightly and I could see a twinkle in his eye, boyssss!

"Dinner, huh? Trying to impress me with your culinary skills?" raising an eyebrow I asked, feigning skepticism, as I know that boys always want to impress girls by asking them out to dinner but I'm not one of them, I cannot let myself fall for a guy who just knows how to impress, and after that what? Leave me heartbroken? No way there is, but still, I feel Krish as if he's different from all! Never in my life, I have seen men generally being sorry to a girl but Krish, was so nice to me even after I was rude to him at the first slight

]"Maybe, or we could go to that new Udaipur hill café, everyone's talking about. What do you say?" he laughed, this boy really knows how to tackle girls and make them his finger puppets, I'm sure he must have dated many girls, and maybe I'm just one of them he's trying his hands on!

"Umm.. Yeah! dinner sounds great. And the café it is. Let's make it casual, though, no need for any fancy stuff, okay?"

"Casual it is! We'll meet there, say, this Friday evening?" he nodded, still wearing that playful expression!

"Sounds perfect, Friday it is! Looking forward to it, Krish" I agreed to it but, why does it make me feel a little too much right now? I've never been on dinner dates with anyone ever in my life, I know it's not a date though but still, I always had my work to do plus Papa always preferred to eat at home while Chandrika was always out with her friends and I hardly ever got time to eat with any of them as I was always too busy with hospital and my patients, I hardly ever got time for myself but this wedding, feels a little happening to me, out of the box maybe because I couldn't stop thinking about how someone I knew so well could momentarily be a stranger

"Sounds perfect, Friday it is! Looking forward to it, Krish" I agreed to it but, why does it make me feel a little too much right now? I've never been on dinner dates with anyone ever in my life, I know it's not a date though but still, I always h...

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Finally!! The Great encounter and the dinner date!!!! 

Heyyy Pretyy Readersss>> How's life?? 

Toh, finally Aisha and Krish had a cute encounter and guess what, Aisha actually thinks that Krish is kind of different from of the boysss she's ever met! (Green flagggg)

Do tell me your thoughts on the same, and visit more often for more of these encounters! 

Stay tuned>> 

With Love: 🫶🩷

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