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This story is a purely fictional work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is coincidental. The author does not intend to harm or offend any individual, community, or entity.

Unauthorized copying or reproduction of this work, in part or in whole, is prohibited without the author's prior written consent. The narrative is meant for entertainment purposes only, and the author disclaims any responsibility for misinterpretation.

Readers are reminded that the content is entirely fictional, and any emotional impact is unintentional. The author encourages a respectful understanding that the narrative does not reflect reality.

By engaging with this story, you acknowledge the author's creative rights and agree to interpret the content as fiction. Your discretion is advised in understanding the story's intent, with no intention to hurt sentiments or cause harm. 

I hope you enjoy the parts as we move ahead3> 

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