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## Hypothesis Confirmed

Vivek, driven by a burning curiosity and a need to understand his new reality, embarked on a series of experiments within the confines of the warehouse and the surrounding land. His findings were nothing short of extraordinary, confirming his initial hypothesis in a spectacular way.

**1. Accelerated Growth:** He began by testing the system's effect on plant life. An apple stored in the warehouse remained fresh, while a mint plant seeded outside sprouted into a mature plant within a single day. This rapid growth hinted at the presence of an unknown energy source within the system, one that could potentially accelerate biological processes.

**2. Enhanced Healing:** Consuming water from the nearby lake provided an unexpected benefit. Old wounds on his body, lingering reminders of his past struggles, began to heal at an accelerated rate. This regenerative property of the lake water added another layer to the system's capabilities, suggesting a potential for physical enhancement and recovery.

**3. Life-Sustaining Environment:** Bringing a live chicken into the warehouse space and observing its continued survival was a crucial test. The system seemed to create an environment that sustained life, even within the seemingly barren confines of the warehouse. This discovery held immense potential for future applications, such as creating self-sustaining habitats in hostile environments.

**4. Food Preservation:** Checking on the apple stored in the warehouse after five days revealed that it remained unspoiled. This defied the natural process of decay, pointing towards the possibility of extending the shelf life of food within the system's influence. This could have significant implications for resource management and food security.

**The Confirmation:** These experiments, coupled with the earlier experience of seemingly transporting himself to another location, painted a clear picture. The system he inhabited was more than just a collection of tools; it was a complex entity with the potential to manipulate the environment and enhance life itself.

**Moving Forward:** With his hypothesis confirmed, Vivek stood at a crossroads. He could delve deeper into the system's functionalities, seeking to unlock its full potential. He could explore the surrounding land further, searching for clues and understanding the nature of this strange world. Or, he could focus on his immediate needs, utilizing the system's resources to create a safe haven for himself and his children.

The path ahead was fraught with possibilities, each choice leading to unforeseen consequences. But one thing remained certain - Vivek, armed with his newfound knowledge and driven by a mix of curiosity and responsibility, was no longer just a bystander. He was an active participant in this bizarre reality, and his actions would shape his own destiny

Vivek had a plan. He knew money, while abundant now, wouldn't last forever. So, he set his sights on V city, a hub for agriculture, hoping to secure his future and the well-being of his children.

His journey began with a train ride to V city. Efficiency was key. After securing a hotel room solely for transferring his seven million into his space, he vanished into his personal dimension, the familiar bamboo house welcoming him.

There, amidst the calming green, he encountered the fruits of his withdrawal - a vast pile of cash. The sight, though familiar from his past life, took his breath away. Here, it represented not extravagance, but responsibility for his family's future. He meticulously checked the money for any identifying marks, his past experiments assuaging his worries about leaving a trace.

Next, he turned his attention to the miraculous spring water. Filling a bamboo cup, he watched in awe as the liquid shimmered with an otherworldly silver light. Its calming aura washed over him as he savored the sweet, ice-cold taste. Half went down his throat, the sensation spreading through his body like a wave of rejuvenation. The remaining half was poured onto the planted peach seed, its journey from a tiny seed to a thriving sapling happening in a blink.

"This is too miraculous!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of wonder and excitement. He grabbed the ancient text for further guidance, a plan forming in his mind.

Hunger pangs reminded him of the instant noodles he had left soaking overnight. To his surprise, the noodles remained perfectly intact, the bowl radiating heat that could potentially scald. "Oh my god... this space is so broken," he muttered, devouring the impromptu meal that served as both dinner and breakfast.

With renewed energy, he changed clothes, grabbed his backpack, and ventured out, leaving the hotel key with the receptionist. The first order of business was securing a warehouse - a secluded location in the suburbs, large enough to conceal the massive quantities of food he planned to purchase. This warehouse would be his temporary home and the gateway to his space, allowing him to discreetly store his supplies.

The online transaction for the ten-day lease cost him a thousand dollars. Upon reaching the address, the owner met him, a quick exchange of pleasantries followed by the handover of the key. The owner reminded Vivek of the ten-day timeframe and departed.

Vivek, standing alone in the warehouse, felt a surge of determination. This was just the beginning. He had secured a haven, and the next step was to fill it with the resources needed to ensure his family's and his own survival in this unpredictable world. With the system's capabilities at his disposal and a clear vision in mind, Vivek was ready to face the challenges ahead.

The weight of the warehouse key in Vivek's palm was a tangible reminder of his responsibility. Stepping out, he took a deep breath, the bustling marketplace filling his senses. His destination - V City's largest rice marketplace.

With a focused gaze, he bypassed individual vendors, heading straight for the supervisor's office. Inside, he wasted no time in stating his request - securing the cheapest price for three thousand jin of both white rice and flour. The sheer volume of the order caused the supervisor's eyebrows to rise in surprise.

However, any astonishment melted away the moment Vivek effortlessly produced a hefty sum of cash as a down payment. Business transactions were simple affairs; money spoke louder than questions. The supervisor, his initial curiosity quelled, readily assured Vivek of a swift delivery to the provided warehouse address.

Mission accomplished, Vivek moved on, the city's vibrant energy propelling him forward. His next stop - the bustling fruit and vegetable marketplace. He was about to seek out the supervisor when a chance encounter altered his course.

An old man, his stall overflowing with crisp, green Chinese cabbages, caught Vivek's eye. Unlike the surrounding vendors charging three dollars per jin, this man offered his produce at half the price. Despite the bargain, the stall remained deserted, not a single customer drawn by the incredibly low price.

Vivek, moved by the man's struggle and the quality of the vegetables, approached him. The old man, his face etched with lines of hardship, looked up with a flicker of hope. A conversation, warm and compassionate, unfolded between them.

Vivek listened attentively, learning of the old man's failing harvest and mounting debts. His heart ached for the man's plight, resonating with his own struggle to build a secure future for his family.

A decision swiftly formed in his mind. This wasn't just about securing fresh produce; it was about extending a helping hand. He offered to purchase all the remaining cabbages, his voice kind and firm.

A wave of relief washed over the old man's face, his eyes moist with gratitude. As he packed the cabbages, they exchanged stories, a brief connection forming in the midst of the bustling marketplace.

The transaction completed, Vivek left, carrying more than just groceries. He carried the satisfaction of helping someone in need, a small act of kindness that warmed his heart. He had secured resources, yes, but he had also found a reminder of the importance of compassion, a valuable lesson that would guide him in this unfamiliar world.

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