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As Vivek delved deeper into the memories, a startling realization dawned on him. The world he now inhabited wasn't entirely unfamiliar. It mirrored the plot of a BL novel he had read in his previous life. The title character, Yuri Pavel, was an Alpha male who had tragically lost everything. His stepmother, a cunning and ruthless woman, had conspired with his father to kill Yuri's mother. Yuri was then drugged and forced into submission, allowing his stepbrother, an Alpha, to inherit the Pavel Duchy title. However, the stepbrother, due to his limited capabilities, was merely a puppet controlled by Yuri's stepmother and father.
As Vivek ventured further into the labyrinthine memories, a disturbing truth emerged, one that sent a wave of unease crashing over him. The BL novel he remembered had taken a drastic and unforeseen turn - a zombie apocalypse. In the face of this global catastrophe, Yuri, the ostracized Alpha, found himself entangled in an unexpected love story with his former tormentors, the very Alphas who had violated the original Vivek.

This revelation was a bitter pill to swallow. The men who had inflicted such pain and trauma on the man whose body he now inhabited were now painted as objects of Yuri's affection, a love forged in the fires of the apocalypse. The complex emotions of this relationship were further muddled by the additional knowledge that Yuri had also endured further humiliation and torture at their hands.

However, the twist didn't end there. Fate, it seemed, held a cruel hand. When the zombie hordes eventually overwhelmed the base where they sought refuge, the Alphas met their end, devoured by the very creatures they once lorded over. Their deaths, while delivering a twisted sense of justice, also left a void in Yuri's life, a hollowness born from the unconventional bond they had shared.

Vivek, grappling with the weight of this knowledge, felt a strange mix of empathy and disgust. He empathized with Yuri's pain and the complexities of his love story, but the men's past actions remained a constant reminder of the trauma they had inflicted. This revelation presented a formidable challenge - navigating a world where the lines between victim and perpetrator were blurred, and where the past cast a long and chilling shadow on the present.

Vivek's mind reeled, the memory of a zombie apocalypse from the BL novel sending a fresh wave of panic through him. If what he was experiencing was real, then the threat of a zombie outbreak was imminent. He had to act quickly to ensure his children's safety and, if possible, warn his family in the Copper Kingdom. Stockpiling supplies, securing a safe haven, and formulating a plan were crucial steps in the face of such a terrifying prospect.

However, before he could fully delve into these thoughts, another jolt of electricity surged through him, similar to the one he experienced upon his arrival in this body. This time, however, the sensation was different. It felt almost like a download, transferring a vast amount of information directly into his consciousness.

However, the memories of the BL novel and its chilling storyline lingered, serving as a stark reminder of the complexities and dangers that lurked within this strange, unfamiliar world. the challenges he faced as Vivek, a transmigrated soul in an Omega body, with past trauma and a family to protect, remained. He had a lot to learn and understand about this world and his place within it. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Vivek, armed with newfound knowledge and a fierce determination to create a better future for himself and his children, was ready to face them head-on.

A throbbing headache jolted Vivek awake, the cries of children cutting through the haze. He blinked, disoriented, and found himself surrounded by five small figures, their eyes wide with concern. A little girl, her voice laced with worry, reached out to him, "Mom... Mom... I'm hungry..."

Vivek's mind was a whirlwind. He absorbed the information flooding his senses - the children, the cramped apartment, the overwhelming sense of responsibility. These weren't his children, yet their innocent faces sparked a flicker of warmth within him. He recalled the memories of the original Vivek, the love he held for these five precious beings. Krish, the eldest, with his cool demeanor and plump baby face, a stark contrast to his surprisingly cold expression. Rahul, the gentle soul, Jack, radiating warmth, Akhil, the mischievous one, and Bhargavi, her big, watery eyes mirroring the vulnerability of a lost kitten.

"Mom, little sister says she's hungry," Krish reminded him, his voice kind despite the coldness in his eyes. Vivek felt a pang in his chest - a glimpse into the complexities of the situation. He was no longer just Vivek, the man from his past life. He was now their 'mom,' a role thrust upon him by fate and circumstance.

Taking a deep breath, Vivek pushed aside his confusion and focused on the task at hand. He rummaged through the cabinets, guided by the original Vivek's memories. As he prepared a simple meal, a voice resonated within his mind, a faint hum barely audible over the children's chatter. "System Activated. Host Identity Confirmed: Vivek Lancer. Initializing Tutorial. Please select desired language..."

Vivek froze, spoon mid-air. A system? A tutorial? Was this some bizarre side effect of his transmigration? He cautiously reached out with his mind, a tentative exploration of this unexpected development. The world of BL novels, the zombie apocalypse, the children - everything felt surreal, a fantastical dream bleeding into harsh reality. Yet, here he was, a father figure to five children, navigating a strange new world with a system whispering promises of guidance in the back of his mind. The journey ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but with a newfound sense of purpose and the responsibility for these innocent lives, Vivek steeled himself to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The children, oblivious to the internal turmoil brewing within Vivek, chattered excitedly as they devoured their meal. He watched them, their faces a mix of curiosity and concern, their small bodies radiating a warmth that soothed the knot of anxiety in his stomach.

"Mommy, are you feeling okay?" Bhargavi, the youngest, tilted her head, her big, innocent eyes searching his face. Vivek forced a smile, his heart clenching at the endearment. "Yes, sweetheart, mommy's just a little tired. But I'm alright now, thanks to you all."

A small hand slipped into his, and he looked down to see Rahul, his gentle eyes filled with concern. "Mom you changed " he asked softly, his voice barely a whisper. Vivek's breath hitched. The question, though innocent, hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the unconventional circumstances that bound them together.

He knelt before Rahul, his gaze meeting the child's. "That's right, Rahul. Change It doesn't mean bad But," he squeezed the small hand gently, "that doesn't mean I can't love you and take care of you. You're all my precious children now, and I'll do everything I can to protect you and make you happy."

A flicker of hope ignited in Rahul's eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. The other children, sensing the shift in mood, huddled closer, their small bodies seeking comfort. In that moment, Vivek knew this wasn't just about survival; it was about building a new family, a bond forged not by blood, but by love, responsibility, and the unyielding will to create a safe haven in this strange, unpredictable world.

Meanwhile, the faint hum in his mind persisted, a constant reminder of the mysterious system. With a tentative thought, he focused on the voice, the words echoing in his head, "Select desired language..." Choosing English, his native tongue, a wave of information flooded his mind. It was a comprehensive guide, explaining the system's functionalities, offering information about this new world, and outlining potential quests and challenges.

Vivek delved deeper, absorbing the knowledge with a mix of trepidation and newfound hope. This system, though enigmatic, could be the key to understanding his purpose in this bizarre reality. It was a beacon of guidance in the face of uncertainty, a potential tool to help him navigate the complexities of his new life, protect his children, and perhaps, even unravel the secrets of his own transmigration. The road ahead was long and arduous, but with his newfound resolve, his children by his side, and the potential of the system at his fingertips, Vivek was ready to embark on this extraordinary journey.

Apocalypse I have a system to raise children Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat