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Blinding darkness yielded to a blurry vision of a familiar bedroom ceiling. Vivek groaned, his mind foggy and his body heavy. He attempted to sit up, wincing at the dull ache that throbbed in his head.

His first thought, uttered in a raspy voice thick with confusion, was, "Where the hell am I?"

Then, like a bolt of lightning, a torrent of information surged through his mind. It was overwhelming, a tidal wave of facts and memories crashing down on him. He was Vivek, a twenty-one-year-old stock market trader who had tragically met his end in a car accident. He had no family, abandoned at an amusement park at the tender age of ten. But this wasn't even the most bizarre revelation.

He had transmigrated. Not into another life, but into a work of fiction – a boy's love novel, to be precise.

This novel wasn't just any BL story; it was notorious for its dark themes and its cruel treatment of the protagonist, Yuri Pavel. Yuri, originally an alpha revered by everyone, was drugged and turned into an omega – an inferior caste in this world – through the machinations of his scheming stepmother. This transformation, fueled by potent drugs and a damaged gland, marked the beginning of his suffering. The capture targets, the supposed heroes of the story, subjected Yuri to a series of horrific acts – humiliation, torture, and manipulation – all in the name of "love."

Vivek found himself in the dilapidated mansion of Duke Lancer, his current predicament even bleaker than Yuri's. At eighteen, Vivek's omega phenomenon had manifested in front of the very same capture targets, leading to a brutal assault. His stepmother, seizing the opportunity, stole the family fortune and fled, taking secrets with her. His father, falsely accused of treason for selling state secrets, was executed. Vivek, with the help of his brother, escaped to a remote village with the meager remaining funds. He raised his twin children, conceived during the assault, until the age of five. Then, in this new life, the original Vivek succumbed to overwork. Now, his consciousness had taken over this body.

The weight of this information settled heavily on Vivek. He was no longer just a young man who had died; he was now a character in a twisted narrative, entrusted with the responsibility of not only protecting himself but also rewriting the tragic fate of Yuri Pavel. He had to navigate a world fraught with danger and deceit, all while fighting for survival and a chance at happiness for himself and his children.

As the initial shock subsided, a steely resolve ignited within Vivek. He wouldn't let his past define him or become a victim in this twisted game. He would fight. He would protect his children. And, perhaps, he could even rewrite the narrative, offering Yuri Pavel a chance at a life free from suffering.

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