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Vivek blinked, the harsh fluorescent light momentarily disorienting. He sat up, his head throbbing, and took in his surroundings. He found himself in a modern, two-bedroom apartment (a 2 BHK in Indian vernacular), yet something felt terribly wrong. Five children, all around six years old, were sprawled around the living room, their chatter and laughter a cacophony in the confined space.

Panic clawed at his throat. Where was he? How did he get here? These weren't his children, of that he was certain. His heart hammered against his ribs as he tried to piece together the fragments of his memory, but they remained stubbornly elusive. "What the f*ck is this?" he rasped, his voice rough with disuse. The nonsensical situation sent his mind reeling.

He scrambled to his feet, a primal urge to escape this bizarre situation taking hold. He had to get out, find somewhere familiar, someone who could explain what was happening. But as he lurched towards the door, a small hand tugged at his shirt. A little girl, her eyes wide and innocent, looked up at him. "Mom, are you feeling okay? You look like you saw a ghost." Her words, laced with childish concern, only deepened the unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Vivek recoiled, the little girl's innocent question sending a fresh wave of panic through him. "What the hell? I'm not your mom, I'm a man!" His voice cracked, high-pitched with a mixture of fear and confusion. Why would she call him 'mom'? As the words left his lips, a jolt of electricity surged through his body. It was brief, but intense, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake.

Then, information flooded his mind, overwhelming and disorienting. This wasn't his world, he realized with a sickening certainty. Here, in this strange reality, there were six genders, not two. Male and female were further divided into Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Alphas, he gleaned, were the dominant caste, possessing exceptional strength and leadership qualities. Betas, seemingly the most common, were much like the humans he knew. And Omegas, his stomach clenched, were referred to as "fertilizer species."

He stumbled back, muttering to himself, "Oh my god, what's gotten into me?" The weight of this bizarre revelation pressed down on him, the very foundation of his reality crumbling beneath his feet. He needed to escape, to find someone, anyone, who could explain this nightmarish situation. But a new fear gnawed at him. In this world with its rigid social hierarchy and designated roles, who was he? And more importantly, what was his place in this strange, unsettling new order?

Vivek sank onto the plush sofa, his mind reeling from the data overload. He closed his eyes, willing himself to make sense of the chaos. Hesitantly, he began sifting through the newly acquired memories, piecing together the fragments of his new life.

This world, he discovered with a jolt, was nothing like the Earth he knew. Here, the concept of individual nations had been discarded. In their place stood the Earth Unified Nation (EUN), a single, unified entity forged through global collaboration. Surrounding this central nation were four distinct kingdoms, each with its own unique culture and customs.

The revelation sent a shiver down his spine. Everything he knew about history, geography, and societal structures had been turned upside down. This wasn't just a different country; it was a completely different world, with its own set of rules, traditions, and power dynamics. A sense of profound isolation washed over him. He was adrift in a sea of unknowns, with no familiar landmarks to guide him. He was a stranger in his own body, inhabiting a life that wasn't his own. Panic threatened to consume him, but a deep breath helped him regain a semblance of control. He had to find answers, to understand this new reality and his place within it. But where to begin?
Vivek clutched his head, the information overload threatening to burst his skull. He squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to organize the jumbled mess in his mind. This world, so different from his own, was overwhelming.

The Earth as he knew it, with its patchwork of independent nations, was gone. In its place stood the Earth Unified Nation (EUN), a single, unified entity encompassing the entire planet. Surrounding this central nation, like sentinels guarding a precious core, were four distinct kingdoms, each a powerhouse in its own right.

The first kingdom, Copper, encompassed the lands of America, Britain, and other nations he recognized from his old world. Margani, the kingdom he found himself in, comprised India, Lanka, and other South Asian countries. To the north lay Levi, encompassing Russia and its neighbors, and to the east sprawled Chan, a kingdom uniting China and the vast expanse of Asia. These four kingdoms, each with its unique cultural tapestry and political structure, formed the bulwark surrounding the central EUN.

Vivek, a stranger in this strange land, felt a surge of vertigo. The familiar world he once knew had dissolved, replaced by this complex and unfamiliar reality. He was adrift in a sea of unknowns, with no anchor to hold him steady. He had to navigate this new world, understand its intricate web of alliances and rivalries, and most importantly, find his place within it. It was a daunting task, but one he had to undertake, if only to survive in this bizarre new reality.
A sliver of his original identity pierced through the fog of his new memories. Vivek, or rather, the Vivek whose body he now inhabited, was from the Copper Kingdom - the lands that mirrored the America and Britain he once knew. Apparently, in this unified world, unrestricted travel was the norm, allowing people to move freely between the EUN and the surrounding kingdoms.

The realization sent a jolt through him. He wasn't just a stranger in a strange land; he was an outsider even within his own body. This Vivek, the one whose memories he now possessed, belonged to the Lancer family, holding the esteemed title of Duke Lancer's third son. However, a bitter truth settled in his stomach - his social standing was far from privileged. He was an Omega, the lowest rung of the social hierarchy in this world defined by rigid gender roles and power dynamics.

The weight of his newfound identity pressed down on him. He was Vivek Lancer, an Omega from the Copper Kingdom, now inexplicably stranded in Margani. The enormity of his situation threatened to drown him. He was a stranger not only in his own body but also in this complex and unfamiliar world. He had to navigate the treacherous waters of his new reality, unravel the secrets of his past, and find a way to survive in a world where his very existence was deemed inferior. The journey ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but Vivek, fueled by a flicker of defiance, steeled himself to face the challenges that lay ahead

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